
outlaw n.1.喪失公權者,被剝奪法律保護的人;歹徒;慣犯;逃犯...


We ' ll see some lbsen . if the republicans haven ' t outlawed him by now 我們要看一些易卜生的作品如果共和黨還沒有把他也列為非法的話

. . . members of the committee , i ' ve reviewed the photoplay entitled the outlaw . . . . .委員會的成員我已經審核過名為不法之徒的影片. .

In 1822 the united states government passed the edmunds law outlawing polygamy 1822年美國政府通過愛得蒙德法案,將重婚非法化。

The government will outlaw the rebels unless they surrender immediately 除非反叛分子立即投降,否則政府將宣布他們為不法之徒。

No surprise , verbal stick up - - put em high rebel i , outlaw , split second on the draw 但請你不要再找藉口不是我說提分手

Members of the committee , i ' ve reviewed the photopiay entitied the outlaw .委員會的成員我已經審核過名為不法之徒的影片

Members of the committee , i ' ve reviewed the photoplay entitled the outlaw .委員會的成員我已經審核過名為不法之徒的影片

Outlaw , outside the law 超出法律范圍的

Outlaws of the marsh is one of the four famous chinese classical literary works 《水滸傳》是中國四大著名古典小說之一。

I even worked at one organization that went so far as to outlaw the use of the 我曾在一個組織中工作,這家組織居然取締了

An outlaw before today ' s rebels were born - and an icon they would never forget 所有這一切他在三十歲以前就做到了。

And an outlaw he was 而比利小子就是個歹徒。

Be outlawed be declared illegal 被宣布為非法

Be outlawed ; be declared illegal 被宣布為非法

Indeed , today ' s archers still honour the fabled outlaw 事實上,今天的射箭運動員們仍然尊敬那些傳說中的綠林好漢。

The government outlawed public commemoration of the 1989 tiananmen massacre 政府宣布1989的公眾紀念活動為非法。

To outlaw smoking in the house 禁止如室內禁止吸煙

I liked that one , too . in fact , he was a noble man , not an outlaw 我也喜歡。他實際上本是個貴族,不是土匪。

Outlawed the sale of firearms 宣告販賣軍火是非法的