
outgrow vt.(-grew; -grown )1.長得比…快[大...


My practical dad , adamantly opposed to any kind of debt , conceding to make payments on a top - of - the - line , full - size accordion when i ' d outgrown my secondhand student model 雖然他在比薩廠呆了一整天后一定非常渴望清靜,但還是耐心地忍受著我每天晚上練習手風琴的那段時間。

It ' s not uncommon for organizations , after they outgrow one building , to lease space in a building next door or even build a second building 組織發展到一定程度時,原來的辦公樓就會容納不下,因此需要租用臨近辦公樓的空間,甚至再建一棟大樓,這種現象屢見不鮮。

However , as your site grows it can outgrow its original foundation which can lead to disorganized content , poor usability , and eventually chaos 然而,隨著網站的不斷發展,它有可能會脫離最初的構建基礎,導致內容混亂,可用性差,最終會導致整個網站混亂不堪。

By the early 80s , as the community of the theology division had increased steadily , it outgrew the meditation room of the college chapel 故此,面對未來,崇基學院神學院硬件之擴充和多樣化,實是母校承先啟后,肩負發展二十一世紀神學教育使命和承擔所必須的!

The classic model of mendale sofa outgrows the traditional models for its simplicity , inartificiality , comfort , and elegant taste 夢潔沙發經典的造型并不依附于傳統,簡潔,自然,大方并不庸俗張揚,舒適協調,靈動而非刻意而為,線條流暢。

The greatest and most important problems in life are all in a certain sense insoluble . they can never be solved , but only outgrown 在某種意義上,生活中的最重大和最重要問題都是無法解決的。我們無法解決它們,只能在成長中超越它們。

Joel siegel : last summer it was prada , a real movie that outgrew superman . this summer , ann hathaway is back and becoming jane 喬-西格:去年夏天的《時尚女魔頭》 ,不折不扣的《超人》前身。這個夏天,安妮?海瑟卷土重來, 《成為簡》 。

The greatest and most important problems of life are all fundamentally insoluble . they can never be solved but only outgrown 生命中最重大最重要的問題在根本上都是無法得以解決的。我們無法解決它們,但可以在成長中超越它們。

We do not want to discredit or discount what you have used up until now as tools , we simply want you to outgrow your old tools 我們不是懷疑或不相信到現在還作為你所用過的工具,我們只是要你拋棄你的舊工具。

It belongs to the family of small african violets . but from the beginning , it outgrew the others and was tall , large , and leafy 雖然它屬于小品的非洲堇,但一開始它就超越其他的非洲堇,長得又高又大又翠綠。

In other cases , the back - office may have been developed in - house and has largely outgrown its original design 在其它情況下,后臺辦公系統可能已經在內部開發,而它過度增長已經不再適用于其原始設計了。

He put it in a jar , which it soon outgrew ; he successively moved it to a tank , a river and then the ocean 他把它放在瓶子里,很快地長大起來,他接著把它放在箱子里,河里,然后是大海里。

In any case i find that by the time you have perfected any style of writing , you have always outgrown it 我發現一位作家一旦使某種文筆風格臻于完善,他也就已經超越了這種風格。

In richard rosenfeld ' s opinion , “ kids will outgrow ear infections no matter what we do 理查德*羅森費爾德認為: “不論我們采取什么方法,孩子長大都會擺脫耳朵感染。

Are you a software engineer who thinks that you have outgrown your current job 你是一個軟件工程師,認為自己的能力已經超出了目前的工作嗎?

One day i would outgrow 某日我可能會

And i ' ve outgrown you 我對你已經沒興趣了

My son has outgrown that pair of shoes 我兒子長大了

When messages have outgrown their usefulness , it is time to clean them out 當郵件過期后,需要進行清理。