
outfitter n.服飾用品商店;旅行用品商店;運動用品店;【造船】安裝...


In virtue of a acquaintance initiated in september 1903 in the establishment of george mesias , merchant tailor and outfitter , 5 eden quay , b hospitality extended and received in kind , reciprocated and reappropriated in person , c comparative youth subject to impulses of ambition and magnanimity , colleagual altruism and amorous egoism , d extraracial attraction , intraracial inhibition , supraracial prerogative , e an imminent provincial musical tour , common current expenses , net proceeds divided 鑒于那是:甲一九0三年九月在伊登碼頭五號的兼營服飾用品業的裁縫喬治梅西雅斯396的店里結識以來的熟人乙當事人獻了殷勤,接受下來了,并報以同樣的殷勤,對方也親自接受了丙年紀較輕,容易野心勃勃或寬宏大量,同行間的利他行為或出于愛戀的利己之舉。

Her them march the guilds and trades and trainbands with flying colours : coopen , bird fanciers , millwrights , newspaper canvassers , law scriveners , masseurs , vintners , trussmakers , chimney sweeps , lard refiners , tabinet and poplin weavers , farriers , italian warehousemen , church decorators , bootjack manufacturers , undertaken , silk mercers , lapidaries , salesmasters , corkcutters , assessors of fire losses , dyers and cleaners , export bottlers , fellmongers , ticketwriters , heraldic seal engravers , horse repository hands , bullion broken , cricket and archery outfitters , riddlemakers , egg and potato factors , hosiers and glovers , plumbing contractors . after them march gentlemen of the bed chamber black rod , deputy garter gold stick , the master of hone , the lord great chamberlain , the earl marshal , the high constable carrying the sword of state , saint stephen s iron crown , the chalice and bible 其中包括桶匠小鳥商人水磨匠報紙推銷員公證人按摩師葡萄酒商疝帶制造者掃煙囪的,提煉豬油的,織波紋塔夫綢和府綢的,釘馬掌的鐵匠,意大利批發商,教堂裝飾師,制造靴拔子的,殯儀事業經營人綢緞商寶石商推銷員制造軟木塞的火災損失估價員開洗染行的,從事出口用裝瓶業的,毛皮商印名片的,紋章圖章雕刻師屯馬場的工役金銀經紀人板球與射箭用具商制造粗篩子的,雞蛋土豆經銷人經售男襪內衣和針織品商人手套商自來水工程承包人。

By laundries , camping outfitters , upholsterers , drapery shops , uniform chothing suppliers , linen suppliers and dsporting goodsstores . chainstitching , drop or moss stitching , tape attaching , braiding and ray stitch 該系列機型可以做鏈目繡,穗帶繡,飾帶繡,鑲邊和放射繡。

Ideal foruse by laundries , camping outfitters , upholsterers , drapery shops , uniform chothing suppliers , linen suppliers and dsporting goodsstores 本產品也是洗衣店,野營設備制作商,裝修廠商,布藝店,制服供應商,亞麻制品和運動用品經營者的理想選擇。

Apart from her work in the guess ? advertising campaign , she also appeared in ads for maybelline and american eagle outfitters 從那時起,她的工作從未間斷過, 98年的guess服裝發布會使她躋身超模的行列。

Lost river outfitters 失落河探險用品

Lt ' s like these kayak outfitters 就像獨木舟的制造商

They are the official school outfitters 他們是指定的校服供應商

He bought a jacket at the gentleman ' s outfitters 他在那間男服店買了一件甲克

He bought a jacket at the gentleman 's outfitters . 他在那間男服店買了一件夾克。