
otorhinolaryngology n.耳鼻喉科學。


Professor terry hung , assistant professor of the division of otorhinolaryngology who directed the study said , closed reduction for nasal fractures would satisfy a large number of patients who are unfortunate to have injury to their noses . however it remains clear from the study that a significant proportion of our patients remain dissatisfied with the appearance of their noses , their breathing or both 負責這次臨床研究隊伍的香港中文大學醫學院外科學系耳鼻咽喉科助理教授洪致偉表示:固定手術能滿足大部份鼻創傷人士的需要,但同時很多病人仍不滿意鼻子外觀、呼吸情況,或有人同時不滿意兩者。

Chairing the department is professor andrew van hasselt , who remains chairman and chief of service , department of surgery at the university . he said , the new arrangements will build on the very significant achievements since 1985 of the dedicated clinicians , teachers and researchers who have served the division of otorhinolaryngology within the universitys department of surgery 耳鼻咽喉頭頸外科學系學系系主任、兼中大外科學系系主任及部門主管尹懷信教授說:新學系將承接過往中大外科學系耳鼻喉科自1985年以來,各位醫護人員、教授和科研人員所建立的種種成就,繼往開來。

The department of surgery s division of otorhinolaryngology and neurosurgery announce the success of two auditory brainstem implant ( abi ) operations performed recently in the prince of wales hospital . two young women with tumours on both hearing nerves had their tumours removed and were successfully implanted on the 21st and 22nd october , 1999 兩名女性病人,因患雙側聽覺神經腫瘤而失去聽覺功能。香港中文大學醫學院耳鼻喉科和腦外科醫生成功將聽覺腦干植入器分別于1999年10月21日和22日植入這兩位病人體內,并于11月30日開始使用。

The multi - disciplinary forum , the first of its kind in asia , is being held in purpose designed facilities at hong kongs prince of wales hospital , the universitys teaching hospital . it will range over urology , paediatric surgery and paediatric urology , general surgery , cardiothoracic surgery , neurosurgery , otorhinolaryngology , orthopaedics , and gynaecology 自香港中文大學醫學院于二零零五年十一月引進機械人手術系統以來,至今已在其教學醫院威爾斯親王醫院進行了超過一百宗機械人輔助手術,應用范圍包括泌尿科、普通外科、小兒泌尿科、心胸肺科及婦科。

Doctors of the division of otorhinolaryngology , department of surgery at the prince of wales hospital , the teaching hospital of the chinese university of hong kong , conducted a patient - based interview to study satisfaction rates after closed reduction surgery of patients who injured their noses between july 2002 and june 2005 香港中文大學醫學院外科學系耳鼻咽喉科醫生,于2002年7月至2005年6月期間,在中大教學醫院威爾斯親王醫院,訪問了因鼻創傷而進行固定手術的病人,評估他們對手術的滿意程度。

Dr gordon soo , honorary clinical assistant professor , division of otorhinolaryngology of the department of surgery , cuhk , who is directing the clinical research team involved said , “ radiation therapy has proved highly successful in curing this particular cancer but among its frequent side effects are damage to the delicate structures of the ear and different types of hearing loss . 負責是項臨床研究的香港中文大學醫學院外科學系耳鼻喉科名譽臨床助理教授蘇明順醫生表示:放射性治療可有效地治療鼻咽癌,但也經常帶來一些副作用,如破壞耳朵一些脆弱的組織,導致不同種類的聽力障礙。

Professor michael tong , chief of division of otorhinolaryngology at the chinese university of hong kong further added , the nose can be commonly injured during traffic accidents , assaults and sporting activities . patients are assessed and closed reduction surgery should be offered if necessary 香港中文大學醫學院外科學系耳鼻咽喉科主管唐志輝教授補充:因交通意外、襲擊或運動而造成的鼻創傷十分普遍,建議應評估病人情況,而決定是否使用固定手術作治療。

Statistical analysis of malignant tumors of otorhinolaryngology in gansu province 青海省11975例惡性腫瘤統計分析及腫瘤構成狀況動態觀察

Application of problem based leaning in clinical education of otorhinolaryngology 教學法在耳鼻咽喉科教學中的應用

Cuhk launches department of otorhinolaryngology , head and neck surgery 香港中文大學成立耳鼻咽喉頭頸外科學系

Discussion on computer assisted instruction of otorhinolaryngology 耳鼻咽喉科學計算機輔助教學的探討

Journal of clinical otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery 臨床耳鼻咽喉頭頸外科雜志

Chinese journal of otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery 中華耳鼻咽喉頭頸外科雜志

Chinese journal of otorhinolaryngology - skull base surgery 中國耳鼻咽喉顱底外科雜志