
otherworldly adj.來世的;冥界的;修來世的;空想中的;精神上的;超...


Guided by instinct , by the otherworldly radiance of the southern cross , they head unerringly for their traditional breeding ground where - after a ritual courtship of intricate dances and delicate maneuvering , accompanied by a cacophony of ecstatic song - they will pair off into monogamous couples and mate 在冰雪中沒有任何的食物可食用的情況下,體重只剩下原來三分之一的企鵝媽媽生下了獨一無二的企鵝蛋。然而它們可不能沈溺在新生的喜悅中,更艱難的挑戰緊隨而至。

One of alaska ' s most heavily trafficked areas , the kenai peninsula abounds with postcard views ? snowcapped mountains , rivers that roil with spawning salmon , an abundant supply of moose , bears , eagles , and puffins , four active volcanoes , and a gigantic , otherworldly icescape , harding icefield 也是阿拉斯加交通極為繁忙的地區,在火山半島擁有豐富明信片之稱-積雪覆蓋的山脈,河流,還有鮭魚的卵給鹿,熊,鷹,和善知鳥(盛產于大西洋的寒帶海鳥)等提供了棲息的樂園,四個活火山,以及一個龐大的超然世間的冰景,哈丁冰原。

When he teams up with skeptical policewoman angela dodson rachel weisz to solve the mysterious suicide of her twin sister , their investigation takes them through the world of demons and angels that exists just beneath the landscape of contemporary los angeles . caught in a catastrophic series of otherworldly events , the two become inextricably involved and seek to find their own peace at whatever cost 這部超乎想像力的靈異奇幻動作猛片魔界行者改編自dc vertigo暢銷漫畫hellblazer ,在片中, 22世紀殺人網絡的奇洛李維斯要穿梭人魔兩道,驅邪伏魔,與此同時,發現原來在天使之城里,靈界之間的條約已經蕩然無存,魔鬼恃惡橫行。

Since that day , my daughter has grown up normally , and compared to other children is amiable and otherworldly in her demeanor . she always has a smile on her face , and often gently consoles seniors at just the right time when she senses they are in a bad mood . this little angel also has a sensitive heart 孩子一天天的長大,與別的孩子比起來,她顯得很委婉而有靈氣,她總是面帶微笑,而且會恰到好處地安慰心情不好的長輩,她幼小的心很敏感,一些憂傷的故事會讓她淚流滿面,對一些弱小的動物她很關愛,還說別傷害它們,動物是人類的朋友。

One of alaska ' s most heavily trafficked areas , the kenai peninsula abounds with postcard views ? snowcapped mountains , rivers that roil with spawning salmon , an abundant supply of moose , bears , eagles , and puffins , four active volcanoes , and a gigantic , otherworldly icescape , harding icefield 奇奈半島是阿拉斯加最繁忙的交通要道,有著許多如明信片般的風光:大雪覆蓋的山峰,充滿了鮭魚的河流,隨處可見的的駝鹿,熊,鷹和海雀,四座活火山,還有一片廣袤的,恍如隔世般的冰景- -哈丁冰原。

This ancient library contains spiritual discourses from christian , gnostic , jewish , pythagorean , hermetic and other spiritual movements . what have been returned to us are the teachings of various mystics , gnostics who initiated their students into the “ mysteries of the kingdom of light , “ and wrote down descriptions of their otherworldly journeys into inner space 這個古老圖書館藏有基督教諾斯替教派猶太教畢達哥拉斯教派郝密士派煉金術以及其它教派的靈修開示,另外還有各種神秘教派和諾斯替教派的教理,包括他們為其弟子們傳授光之王國的秘密及他們神游內在其它世界的描述。

I had experienced a few small sandstorms over the previous months but this left them in the dust . this was otherworldly , bizarre and menacing , definitely frightening yet undeniably compelling 前幾個月我在北京也經歷過幾次小規模的沙塵暴,但和這次相比簡直不值一提。這次的沙塵暴彷佛來自另一個世界,既駭人聽聞,又觸目驚心。

Less high - concept than the otherworldly and wildly diverse regions of outland , we want the zones in northrend to follow a geographic theme that ' s more consistent with the familiar geography of azeroth 與外域豐富多彩,幻化萬千的高調設計不同,我們希望諾森德的各個區域與我們熟悉的艾澤拉斯的地形特征保持一致。

5 . miami heat 30 - 13 shaquille o neal is having a terrific , mvp - type season . his numbers aren t otherworldly , but his presence night after night has made the heat a title contender 第五名,邁阿密熱隊,奧尼爾擁有了一個令人恐怖的賽季,他使熱隊成為了總冠軍的有力爭奪者。

We drove through otherworldly vistas that would become familiar over the next few days : deep green mountains , with even the steepest slopes covered in terraced rice paddies 越向前開,我們就像逐漸進入了另一個世界,一個風景長廊,那景象在接下來的幾天我們又一次次遭遇。

How to choose between them ? arenas was shaky in november before this otherworldly december ; caron butler has been washington ' s most consistent player 如何從他們之間選擇?阿里納斯11月的不穩定的表現和他在12月的表現成天壤之別;卡龍巴特勒成為華盛頓最穩定的球員。

After surviving a car crash that killed her boyfriend sean , cassie steps into a nightmare of otherworldly visitations . haunted by a grim reaper of a f . . 大學新生嘉絲雖在嚴重車禍中死里逃生,但已痛失了至桑恩,從此進入徘徊人間與陰間的噩夢境界。

Considering this city ' s commercial reputation , you may be surprised by the otherworldly and quaint style of cold fairyland 由于上海在商業上享有盛譽,你可能會很驚嘆于冷酷仙境的超脫塵世與古雅。

I ' m afraid that in the real world , i ' m not so good , so kind , so romantic , beautiful and so otherworldly 我怕現實中的我沒有那么好,那么乖,那么浪漫,那么美,那么不食人間煙火。

He paints an otherworldly , murky scene of dread in the cemetery where lightening flashes and thunder roars 他把墓地描寫得陰森恐怖,不時伴有電閃雷鳴。

The plot of “ youth without youth ” is an otherworldly blend of moods and genres 沒有青春的青春劇情是不同基調與文體的想像混合體。

These otherworldly beings fight fiercely for life , order , and good 這些從其他世界到來的人總是為了生命、秩序、善良而戰。

Elegant decoration adds to your admiration of life and makes you feel otherworldly 經典的裝潢會讓您眷慕生活,超然物外。