
ostracism n.1.(古希臘用投票辦法將異己分子逐出國外5年或10年...


Prior studies have shown that the consequences of disclosing hiv - positive status may include rejection , abandonment , ostracism and degradation . such disclosure may also be associated with certain benefits , however , such as more social support and increased medical attention and access to assistance 此前進行的多項研究結果顯示,將hiv檢測結果呈陽性的信息告知他人的舉動可能會帶來包括被人們拒絕排斥拋棄以及羞辱等在內的多種負面結果。

If they are willing to endure distrust and ostracism , they may also take hunter , knave , man - at - arms , or raider , although they may have difficulty finding teachers 如果她們愿意忍受質疑和偏見,她們也可以選擇獵手,游民,戰士或者掠襲者,盡管他們或許在找到老師方面會遇到困難。

But the real madrid coach believes the midfielder is finally becoming his old self again having overcome the psychological blow of his international ostracism 但是皇馬教練相信這位中場最終可以找回狀態,但是他需要戰勝被國家隊拋棄引起的心理落差。

Until i emigrated to america, my family and i endured progressive ostracism and discrimination . 我的家庭和我自己忍受著變本加厲的排斥和歧視直到我移居美國。

For the first time in her life the import and horror of social ostracism flashed upon her . 她生平第一次突然想到遭受社交界排斥的意義與可怕。