
oss OSS =Office of Strategic Ser...


Oss optical network unit 光網絡裝置

Open souree software , oss 開放原始碼

Weren ' t you already running the country when you were head of the oss 當你領導oss的時候你不是就已經在治理這個國家了嗎

Oss optimal stereo signal 最佳立體聲信號

The oss needs you to return Oss需要你回來

Oss operations support system 運行支援系統

Pars acetabularis rami oss . pubis 恥骨枝髖臼

Pars symphysica rami oss . pubis 恥骨枝聯合部

So say the rules of the oss , 別和我提oss的規定

It is also required by oss for an extension to your visa 學生服務辦公室也同樣有這樣要求,以便延長您的簽證時效。

Processus marginalis oss . zygomatici 顴骨緣突

Will make me rejoin the oss . that is why you called , isn ' t it 我也不會重新加入oss你打電話就是為了這個,對吧?

The most obvious benefit of using oss is that it is free of charge 好處免費使用是開放源碼軟件最明顯的好處。

Processus maxillaris oss . zygomaticus 顴骨上頜突

But since the oss is a secret organization , no one knew it 但是只要oss還是一個秘密組織就沒有人知道這些

Back to redfirefilms . com prova oss gratis 免費來試用吧

The most obvious benefit of using oss is that it is free of charge 免費使用是開放源碼軟件最明顯的好處。

Now , oss / j gains the industry ’ s agreements and supports Oss / j推出以后,得到了業界的廣泛認可和支持。

Processus retroarticularis oss . temporalis 顳骨關節后突