
osprey n.1.【鳥類】鶚,魚鷹。2.白鷺的羽毛〔女帽業用語〕。


Mrs yelverton barry in lowcorsaged opal balldress and elbowlength ivory gloves , wearing a sabletrimmed brick quilted dolman , a comb of brilliants and panache of osprey in her hair . arrest him constable . he wrote me an anonymous letter in prentice backhand when my husband was in the north riding of tipperary on the munster circuit , signed james lovebirch 身穿開領低低的乳白色舞衫,戴一副長及臂肘的象牙色手套,罩著用黑貂皮鑲邊薄薄地絮了棉花拍出花紋的磚色披肩式外衣,頭發上插著一把嵌著寶石的梳子和白鷺羽飾。

Some of those species on the upland and salt marsh areas are canada geese , yellow , common yellowthroat and redstart warblers , osprey , oystercatchers , willets , and tree sparrow 生活在丘陵和鹽沼區的物種中的野生物種是加拿大大雁、黃喉地鶯、紅尾鴝、鶚、蠣鷸、鷂和樹雀。

The osprey , a fish - eating hawk holding up its head , suddenly plunges into the water 冷不防一個猛子扎下去,消失一陣,又喜滋滋地探出頭來。

The implied meaning of jujiu osprey in guanju of the book of songs . liu yu - qing 關于詩經關雎篇的雎鳩喻意問題