
ornl ORNL =Oak Ridge National Lab...


Shen ' s several honors and awards for his research include the 1997 otto - hahn - medaille , given each year for outstanding theses ; the 1993 presidential prize from the chinese academy of sciences , given to the top 100 master and ph . d . students ; and the 2002 ornl awards night early career award for scientific accomplishment 沈在研究上獲得的榮譽和獎勵有: 1997年獲得每年頒一次的奧托?哈恩獎章; 1993年獲得中國科學院授予前100位研究生和博士的政府獎; 2002年獲得橡樹嶺國立實驗所的科學成就獎。

Half - hourly measurements of co 2 , water vapor , and energy exchange using the eddy covariance technique from walker branch watershed , tennessee , 1995 - 1998 , http : cdiac . esd . ornl . gov ftp ameriflux data us - sites walker - branch 對合成數據集和真實數據集的全面測試表明,本文提出的卸載策略的性能均好于現有其它方法。

In the second half of his career at ornl , lue worked in the research and development of high - temperature superconducting magnet and cable for power applications 在橡樹嶺國家研究所的后半段時間里,呂錦文從事電動力應用所需的高溫超導磁鐵與電纜的研發。

Shen , a member of ornl ' s condensed matter sciences division , is being cited for his pioneering approach to the study of magnetism in nanostructured materials synthesis 沈,美國國立橡樹嶺實驗所科學領域的精英之一,是研究原料合成磁學的領先人物。

In the first half of his career at ornl , lue worked in various stages of research and development of superconducting magnets for fusion reactors 在橡樹嶺國家研究院的前半段時間里,呂錦文從事核融合反應爐所需的超導磁鐵的研發。

Edited synoptic cloud reports from ships and land stations over the globe , 1982 - 1991 . http : cdiac . est . ornl . gov ftp ndp026b sep85l . z , 1994 Pmc主要利用了qc - tree所保持的數據間的語義的卷鉆關系。