
ornery adj.〔美口〕1.低劣的;卑劣的,品行壞的。2.脾氣壞...


It was pretty ornery preaching - all about brotherly love , and such - like tiresomeness ; but everybody said it was a good sermon , and they all talked it over going home , and had such a powerful lot to say about faith and good works and free grace and preforeordestination , and i don t know what all , that it did seem to me to be one of the roughest sundays i had run across yet 布講的道,說的沒有什么意思盡是兄弟般的愛這類叫人聽了厭煩的話,可是人家一個個都說布道布得好,回家的一路之上說個不停,大談什么信仰啦,積德啦,普濟眾生啦,前世注定的天命啦,等等的,叫我說也說不清還有些什么。總之,在我看來,這可說是我一生中最難受的星期天啦。

They had white domestic awnings in front , and the country people hitched their horses to the awning - posts . there was empty drygoods boxes under the awnings , and loafers roosting on them all day long , whittling them with their barlow knives ; and chawing tobacco , and gaping and yawning and stretching - a mighty ornery lot 布篷下堆放著裝雜貨的空木箱,一些游手好閑的人整天坐在上面,或是用他們身邊帶的巴羅牌小刀,在箱子上削來削去,或是嘴里嚼嚼煙草,或是張開嘴打打呵欠,伸伸懶腰這群十足的無賴。

Mary jane she set at the head of the table , with susan alongside of her , and said how bad the biscuits was , and how mean the preserves was , and how ornery and tough the fried chickens was - and all that kind of rot , the way women always do for to force out compliments ; and the people all knowed everything was tiptop , and said so - said “ how do you get biscuits to brown so nice ? 瑪麗珍妮坐在桌子一頭的主人席上,蘇珊坐在她的旁邊。她們的話題是說油餅的味道怎么糟,果醬怎么不行,炸雞怎么炸老了,口味差如此等等的廢話,盡是婦女們搬出來的一套客氣話,用來逼客人說些恭維的話。客人都明白今天的飯菜全是上品,并且也這么說了: “這油餅你是怎么烤的,烤得這么鮮美? ”

But i soon give up that notion for two things : she d be mad and disgusted at his rascality and ungratefulness for leaving her , and so she d sell him straight down the river again ; and if she didn t , everybody naturally despises an ungrateful nigger , and they d make jim feel it all the time , and so he d feel ornery and disgraced 她準定會發火,又氣又恨,認為他不該如此忘恩負義,竟然從她那兒逃跑。這樣,她會干脆把他賣掉,再一次把他賣到下游去。如果她不是這么干,大伙兒自然會一個個都瞧不起忘恩負義的黑奴,他們勢必會叫杰姆時時刻刻意識到這一點,搞得他狼狽不堪無地自容。

Sudden as winking the ornery old cretur went an to smash , and fell up against the man , and put his chin on his shoulder , and cried down his back , and says : “ alas , alas , our poor brother - gone , and we never got to see him ; oh , it s too , too hard ! 一眨眼間,那個老東西下流胚就連身子也撐不住了,一下子撲到那個人身上,把臉頰伏在他肩膀上,對著他的后背哭了起來,說道: “天啊,天啊,我們那可憐的哥哥啊他走啦,我們竟然沒有能趕上見一面。

I thought it all out , and reckoned i would belong to the widow s if he wanted me , though i couldn t make out how he was a - going to be any better off then than what he was before , seeing i was so ignorant , and so kind of low - down and ornery 我把這個想了又想,想來我還是歸順寡婦那個上帝劃得來,只要他肯收我,盡管我不明白,他怎樣能比他過去那么樣的更好些,因為我明擺著那么笨,那么下賤,脾氣又壞。

Since any bill that included a tax hike would have been blocked by california ' s ornery republicans , that part must be approved directly by the voters next november ? assuming the bill first clears the state senate 由于稅額大增的任何法案都將可能會被難以對付的加州共和黨加以否決,因此,這部分必須于明年11月份獲得選民的直接通過(假定法案已由加州參議院首先通過) 。

“ what makes me feel so bad dis time uz bekase i hear sumpn over yonder on de bank like a whack , er a slam , while ago , en it mine me er de time i treat my little lizabeth so ornery 他后來說: “這一回我這么難過,是因為剛才聽見岸上那一邊啪的一聲,象是打人的聲音,又象關門的聲音。這不由得叫我想起了我當初對小伊麗莎白,自己的脾氣多么壞。

So we poked along back home , and i warn t feeling so brash as i was before , but kind of ornery , and humble , and to blame , somehow - though i hadn t done nothing 我們慢慢吞吞地轉回家,心里也不象原來那么亂糟糟的了,只是覺得有點兒心里有愧,對不起人,盡管我自己并沒有做過什么對不住人的事。

Always reputed as an intensely private and sometimes ornery personality , johnson did little to sway preconceptions even before he officially became a yankee 威名遠播、具有強烈個人性格和一部份低劣的個性,巨怪在正式成為洋基一員之前曾經有人對他有很多偏見。

He said if we warn t prisoners it would be a very different thing , and nobody but a mean , ornery person would steal when he warn t a prisoner 他說,要是并非囚犯的話,那就大不一樣了。一個人不是囚犯卻偷東西,那他便是一個卑鄙下流的人。

I felt so ornery and low down and mean that i says to myself , my mind s made up ; i ll hive that money for them or bust 我呢,只覺得自己何等缺德何等卑鄙何等喪失人格。我對自個兒說,我已經下定了決心,我死活也要把那筆錢給藏起來。

The more i studied about this the more my conscience went to grinding me , and the more wicked and low - down and ornery i got to feeling 我越是想到這件事,我的良心越是受到折磨,我也就越是覺得自己邪惡下流不出息。

He was convinced he was loved by all ; and he was , even when he was ornery trying to just get our attention 他深信我們所有人都愛他,事實的確是這樣,就算有時候他會耍脾氣來吸引我們的注意力。

Hey , dagnabit ! you ornery ol ' - 嘿,混蛋!你這個

The other fellow was about thirty , and dressed about as ornery 另一個人呢,有三十上下,一樣的窮酸打扮。

Nathan is so ornery in the morning that he never answers his phone 納單早上情緒最差,他從來不接電話。

Now , there was this sneaking , noaccount , ornery king herod , 從前有個卑鄙,下流的國王希律

Is that ornery horse gettin ' away from you again 那匹小馬又不聽話了嗎?