
ornate adj.裝飾的,華美的;修辭上極考究的;(文體)華麗的;...


“ hohensalzburg fortress , reachable via taxi or funicular , overlooks an ornate , wintry city that gives visitors the sense of ' being inside a souvenir snowdome , ' says photographer bob krist . “去薩爾茨堡城堡,游客們可以乘出租車或者纜索,從纜索上往下看,這座華麗的冰雪城市給游客們一種就像置身于一個水晶球中一樣” ,攝影家鮑博?克里斯特說道。

Minimise the negative visual impact of these supporting structures by using infill panels such as brick or ornate metal screens . introduce suitable landscaping with tall trees and hanging plants to screen the stilted structures 在支柱之間豎立柵欄,例如磚欄或裝飾性金屬圍屏,以填滿空間,務求盡量減低這些外露支柱對景觀所造成的影響。

His grace , tact , and ornate appearance gave the place an air which was most essential , while at the same time his long experience made him a most excellent judge of its stock necessities 他的翩翩風度圓活態度和華麗外表給了這個地方一種高雅氣氛,這一點對酒店的成功是至關重要的。他有長期的工作經驗,在決定購貨儲備上很精明。

Above the couple ' s heads , the candle that has been left burning in broad daylight on one of the branches of an ornate copper chandelier can be interpreted as the nuptial flame , or as the eye of god 在兩人頭頂上方,朗朗白日之下卻留有一根點燃的蠟燭,華麗銅制吊燈上的這根燃蠟也許能解釋為婚禮的光芒,或者是代表上帝的眼睛。

Winter brings its ecial festivals , and in different parts of switzerland these are the excuse for participants to disguise themselves , whether in ornate costumes , or in fearsome masks 冬天帶來了它特有的節日,在瑞士的不同地區的人們在節日里化妝自己,可以是裝飾的服飾,也可以是可怕的面具。

Winter brings its special festivals , and in different parts of switzerland these are the excuse for participants to disguise themselves , whether in ornate costumes , or in fearsome masks 冬天帶來了它特有的節日,在瑞士的不同地區的人們在節日里化妝自己,可以是裝飾的服飾,也可以是可怕的面具。

The best owner in the history of professional sports is strolling through his sprawling hilltop home when he comes upon an ornate wooden door riddled with three gaping holes 職業體育歷史上最佳老板正漫步在他那雜亂無序拓展小山莊,不時來到了一扇華麗的、有著三個豁開的洞的、木制的門。

Water lotus products with a good quality of your personality , whether or casual wear evening gowns , whether simple or ornate , whether conservative or avant - garde 水芙蓉系列產品,配合著你不俗的品位個性,無論晚裝還是休閑裝;無論華麗還是簡約;無論是保守還是前衛。

Furthermore , it is also a scenic spot full of beautiful ornate architecture and provides a tranquil environment amidst the high - rise buildings in the district 此外,該祠是一個充滿美輪美奐建筑物的風景名勝,為高樓大廈林立的黃大仙區提供了一個恬靜?適的好去處。

Be amazed by the reef ' s intricate coral formations , ornate reefs and more brilliantly coloured fish than you could shake a stick ( or flipper ) at 大堡礁迷宮般的珊瑚造型,華美的礁石,以及色彩斑斕的魚群會令你瞠目,顧不得朝著魚兒晃動棍棒或潛水服的鴨腳板了。

Now it was but a chair , now a table , now an ornate corner , which met her eye , but it appealed to her as almost nothing else could 她有時瞧見一把椅子,有時瞧見一張桌子,有時瞧見富麗的房間一角。幾乎沒有任何別的東西比這些一閃而過的景色更強烈地吸引她了。

Hanlai hotel is described by many as the ultimate expression of “ kaohsiung style . “ the hotel features an ornate classical decor , and has been a big hit since the day it opened 被形容最具高雄人品味的漢來飯店,裝潢古典華麗,一開幕就對了熱帶高雄人的味。

Her devotion to wroonian spirituality - - visible in details found in the ornate molf - tasseld overcloak she wears - - helped her earn support and respect 她對汝那信仰的虔誠? ?在她身穿的華麗流蘇鑲邊的罩袍的紋路細節上展露無疑? ?幫助她贏得支持和尊重。

A man who will be charged with destroying temples and sects altered by fantasy : he will harm the rocks rather than the living , ears filled with ornate speeches 一個人將被控摧毀空洞變質的廟堂和宗派的罪名:然而他只會讓石頭點頭,而不會傷害生靈

The capital of the old kingdom of egypt has some extraordinary funerary monuments , including rock tombs , ornate mastabas , temples and pyramids 這處令人嘆為觀止的墓葬群遺址坐落在古埃及王國首都的周圍,包括巖石墓、石雕墓,廟宇和金字塔。

Some building is trick out with cast - iron eaves with ornamental engraving . some is decorated with ornate cast - iron crowns and portraits . how exquisite they are 有的鑲著鏤花的鐵屋檐,有的裝飾著雕琢的鐵皇冠、鐵人像,做工不可謂不精細。

A saudi guest sits among ornate chairs during a welcoming party for the arab summit hosted by saudi officials at the al - athriyah village just outside riyadh 3月27日在沙特政府舉行的阿拉伯峰會期間,一名沙特與會者正坐在會議席上。

When your heart is with the story ' s development , you know lam the protagonist has many unknown painful experience behind the ornate living 當你的心隨著故事情節的發展。知道了主角林嵐在華麗的生活背后有許多不為人所知的痛苦經歷。

Saudi guest sits among ornate chairs during a welcoming party for the arab summit hosted by saudi officials at the al - athriyah village just outside riyadh 3月27日在沙特政府舉行的阿拉伯峰會期間,一名沙特與會者正坐在會議席上。