
orienteering n.越野識圖比賽。


The apoc 2006 consists of four competitions , the long distance , the middle distance , the sprint and a team relay event . also we will stage a trail orienteering competition for a different taste of orienteering skill test . we also plan to apply for the competition as an iof world ranking events such that elite orienteers are able to have a new venue for scoring their ranking result in asia 舉辦這次apoc 2006比賽,包括長途、中距離,短途及接力等四個比賽,一連串的定向比賽,提供不同的口味之馀,亦可測試各位賽員的定向技能,我們亦計劃申請這次賽事,成為iof世界排名賽,使各位定向精英,在亞洲比賽的成績,能夠計算在世界排名之內。

We also provide professional sports training courses such as sport climbing , mountain bike , scuba diving , orienteering , war game and physical training . furthermore , we offer a wide and popular selection of adventure and outdoor activity equipment 與此同時,我們亦為大家提供專業運動訓練課程,例如:運動攀登、爬山單車、潛水、獨木舟、野外槍戰、體適能訓練等等;另一方面,我們亦為各團體供應多種歷奇及戶外活動用品。

The navigational skills needed for the tumbling run , will vary , from very easy , to intermediate , there is not going to be any advanced orienteering involved , since we have 2 very technical orienteering courses , the day before 為跌倒需要的航行技巧跑,將變化,從很容易到中介,有自從我們前一天有2堂很技術的越野識途比賽功課,不去是任何先進越野識途比賽包含了。

During apoc 2006 , you may also enjoy shopping and delicious food , visit the traveling spots in hong kong and the pearl river delta , as well as participating in the hong kong orienteering championships with local orienteers 在參與apoc 2006期間,你還可以在香港享受美食及購物的樂趣,游覽香港及珠江三角洲的旅游點,以及與本地定向人一同參與香港錦標賽賽事。

Please send this form together with a crossed cheque of $ 250 ( annual affiliation fee is from 1 july to 30 june the next year ) payable to “ orienteering association of hong kong “ to oahk office to apply / renew your club ' s affiliation 請填妥表格后連同港幣250元支票寄回總會,抬頭香港野外定向總會(會籍由每年7月1日至翌年6月30日止)

Let apoc 2006 explain to you the subtlety of the relationship between orienteering and the metropolis , let apoc 2006 bring to you the pulse of the city together with the tranquility of countryside 野外定向與璀燦都市,竟只是咫尺之隔。就讓apoc 2006 ,為你帶來躍動的城市脈搏,使你感受都市與郊野的微妙互動。

You are invited to the first the tumbling run adventure run and orienteering weekend , 3 races in 2 days , 2 sprint orienteering races saturday , with benefits , going to the us “ o “ teams 你被邀請去第一跌倒跑冒險跑和越野識途比賽周末,在2天內的3賽跑, 2短跑越野識途比賽賽跑星期六與好處,去找美國“ o ”聯合。

The indianapolis adventure race is a team event that combines road mountain biking , canoeing , trail running / hiking , orienteering / navigation , rope work and surprise mystery events 印第安納波利斯冒險賽跑是聯合道路山自行車運動,漂流,跑/步行的小道,越野識途比賽/航行,繩工作和吃驚謎事件的一個隊事件。

The effect of orienteering pedestrianism activity on the university students was discussed as to their environmental adaptation , body and mind , competitive consciousness , team consciousness and intelligence 摘要從環境適應、生理、心理、競爭意識、團隊意識、智力等七個方面論述定向運動對大學生的影響。

This paper develops an ant colony optimization approach to the orienteering problem , a general version of the well - known traveling salesman problem with many relevant applications in industry 摘要本研究發展一蟻群最佳化演算法求解越野賽跑問題,此問題可被視為一廣義之? ?推銷員問題,其應用?圍極為廣泛。

Offers orienteering training events throughout the us . specializes in school programs , teacher training seminars and corporate team building . contact information and explanation of services 在整個美國的提議越野識途比賽訓練事件。專攻學校節目,教師訓練研習班和社團的隊大樓。服務的聯系信息和解釋。

Inside asia s most prosperous metropolis with the world s greatest night view , you may still find beautiful scenery of the outskirts and the most challenging orienteering courses 于世界三大夜景所在,亞洲最繁華的大都會之內,還可能有如此明媚的郊野風光,有如此具挑戰性的野外定向賽程。

In july 2004 , outdo officially became the exclusive sports glasses of china orienteering team and were used in international orienteering contest sweden 2004 2004年7月,高特正式成為中國國家定向隊唯一專用運動眼鏡,出征2004瑞典國際定向越野賽。

The e2c is a hybrid of classical orienteering , ultra - distance running and the navigational training practices of search and rescue emergency responders E2c是古典越野識途比賽,極端距離的跑和搜索和營救緊急情況應答者的航行訓練慣例的一個混血兒。

The theme of the event is to provide variety of experience and challenge of orienteering competition and the first ever night orienteering in apoc 這次的主題,是給予參賽者不同的定經驗及挑戰!同時,會首次在apoc中加入黑夜賽事。

The students took part in environmental workshops , visits , field trip , green orienteering , social skills and leadership training 除了分享環保心得外,他們還參加工作坊參觀活動環保考察綠色定向社交技巧及領袖訓練講座。

Traffic that can influence the results cannot be allowed in a competition area for sprint orienteering , for fairness and safety reasons 由于會影響比賽結果,也是基于安全及公平的理由,不允許短距定向的賽區內有行車路。

In general similar rules , as for the orienteering races , with alterations to fit the specific of the race or stage in the race 一般來說類似的規則至于越野識途比賽賽跑,與改變到合適在賽跑的賽跑或階段特定。

Prizes for the top 3 in the orienteering races in each category and the top 3 teams in each category in the tumbling run 為3在每個范疇在越野識途比賽跑的頂和在在跌倒的每個范疇的3個隊運用的頂的獎金。