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orbital velocity (人造衛星等)沿軌道飛行所需的速度。


Second , the imaging model built here has taken into account the tilt modulation , the hydrodynamic modulation , and current modulations of radar cross section . consequently , it has realized the imaging simulation of four kinds of wakes with the same imaging model . third , the orbital velocity of ocean wave was considered as the basic dynamic factor , and the imaging model calculates the influence on raw data by the wave m ovement according to the orbital velocity 該模型的主要特點是: ( 1 )它采用了三尺度復合表面模型的思想來計算海面的電磁散射,考慮了中等尺度波對紋波的進一步調制作用,彌補了傳統雙尺度模型的不足; ( 1 )它考慮了海浪的傾斜調制作用、流體動力調制作用和流場對雷達截面的調制作用,實現了用統一的仿真模型對四種艦船尾跡特征進行成像仿真; ( 3 )它把海面長波的軌道速度作為基本的動態成分,并依此來考慮海面運動對sar回波信號的影響。

How fast an object revolves depends on how much matter inside its orbit . if all the matters are visible , the orbital velocities of stars , say , near the edge of our galaxy will follow the red line below . however , we discovered that they are moving faster than expected , hence there must be more matters than we have seen 天體的公轉速度,取決于在它軌道內的物質的總質量,如果所有物質都是看得見的,那么繞著銀河系旋轉的軌道,理應如紅線所示,但是天文學家卻發覺它們比想像中走得更快,暗示銀河系的質量比所見的大。

Orbital velocities in spiral galaxies , instead of declining with increasing distance from the galactic center , flatten out to a constant value , as predicted by mond 螺旋星系中的軌道速度并不會隨著離開星系中心的距離增加而不停降低,它會平緩下來成為一固定值。