
opus n.(pl. opuses; opera ) 〔拉丁語〕...


For all of our members and cooperators , this is a year full of activities . this is the year of the canonization of opus dei founder blessed josemaria in st . peters square in rome . to achieve this objective , we have scheduled some get - togethers to explain the nature of that ceremony and to increase awareness about the holy life of st . josemaria 對于全體成員與協助人而言,今年舉辦了許多項活動十月,在羅馬的圣伯多祿廣場將舉行真福施禮華的列圣大典,為了達到此一目標,我們已規劃了一些聚會及活動來說明這項典禮,并增進對真福施禮華神圣生命的認識。

He played works of some of the german masters and then performed with great success his own compositions gathered into an expensive privately printed volume , the pleasures of childhood : aria , minuetto , valse , and marcia , opus i , by jean - christophe krafft 他首先演奏了一些德國大師的作品,然后極其成功地演奏了他自己的作品,這些作品都收集在一本精裝的私人刊印的卷冊里,名為? ?約翰?克利斯朵夫?克拉夫脫作品第一號;童年遣興:詠嘆調、小步舞曲、圓舞曲和進行曲。

The promethean opus ( source of much imperial knowledge of vulkan ) tells of a mighty comet blazing a trail of fire across the skies of the world of nocturne during the time of trial , a period of great upheaval when the planet was wracked by massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions 在普羅米修斯的記述中,詳細地展現了那段時期那克土恩星球的火焰在天地間穿行的可怕景象,那是一個遭受大量地震和火山影響的世界。

Another magnum opus “ ancient musical sound spring sound “ its draw materials on mountains and rivers , he of hometown , the massif is in picturesque disorder , the full strange stone and spectacular rocky peak of step , seem solid and dangerously steep , simple naturally 其另一副力作《古韻泉聲》則取材于他家鄉的山山水水,山體錯落有致,步滿奇石怪石,顯得堅實險峻,但有質樸自然。

Another magnum opus “ ancient musical sound spring sound “ its draw materials on mountains and rivers , he of hometown , the massif is in picturesque disorder , the full strange stone and spectacular rocky peak of step , seem solid and dangerously steep , simple naturally 其另一副力作《古韻泉聲》則取材于他家鄉的山山水水,山體錯落有致,步滿奇石怪石,顯得堅實險峻,但有質樸自然。

Einstein ' s magnum opus , general relativity explains that concentrations of matter or energy cause spacetime to curve and that this curvature deflects the trajectories of particles , just as should happen for particles in a gravitational field 廣義相對論是愛因斯坦的杰作,它說物質或能量的聚集會導致時空彎曲,同時這個曲率會讓粒子軌跡轉彎,這正是重力場中粒子該有的行為。

The pavilion is a home for the grant park music festival . listen as the grant park symphony plays “ julius caesar : symphonic epilogue after shakespeare , “ opus twenty - eight , composed by robert kurka 該館是格蘭特公園音樂節的根據地。那里我們可以欣賞格蘭特公園交響樂演奏: “朱利葉斯.愷撒:莎士比亞之后的交響樂尾聲” ,這是羅伯特.庫克創作的他的第二十八號作品。

On the bass of “ the whole horizon “ , this article try to explain heidegger ' s whole thought on technology , in “ being and time “ , the magnum opus of heidegger , “ the whole horizon “ is also an important methodology 在此基礎上,本文力圖從“整體視域”出發,來闡釋海德格爾的整個技術哲學思想。在海德格爾的代表作《存在與時間》中, “整體視域”同樣是一種重要的方法。

A haunting allegory that shows the conflict between filial duty , tradition and social pressure , the same story was remade by imamura shohei decades later , but the original remains a startling , culturally resonant magnum opus 從片中搶吃白米飯和偷糧食遭活埋的事件,可見木下也知生存困境往往戕害人性,但他不欲沉溺丑陋,更愿高揚仁愛親情。

In order to enlighten the educational researches and practice , this text discuss the educational theories of the enterprise and its meanings in the magna didactics , which is johann amos comenius ' magnum opus 論文探討了夸美紐斯的代表作《大教學論》中的首創性教育理論及其意義,以期對教育學研究和教育實踐有所啟發。

Thus , dongpo su gong tie is without doubt the finest extant example of su shi ' s calligraphy and is of inestimable value for studying his opus and the history of the study of rubbings 因此,東坡蘇公帖碑無論在保存東坡書跡方面,還是于蘇軾詩賦校勘研究方面,都具有重要的價值,也是帖學研究中應該關注的重要對象。

After the modern western thoughts had paired into chins , the published opus could not only be provided as diversion for literati , but also act as the media of some new thoughts or values 當近代西方思潮涌入中國以后,人們刊印戲曲不僅可供文人們作案頭消遣之用,它還可以作為傳播新思想或者某種價值觀的媒介。

Although augustine ' s city of god provided the inspiration for this work , there can be of course no comparison between the great african theologian ' s magnum opus and my feeble attempt 盡管奧古斯丁的上帝之城是本書的靈感來源,我這本微不足道的書卻無法與偉大的非洲神學家奧古斯丁的堂皇鉅著相提并論。

On the contrary , throughout li s career , with its dramatic up and down swings , there is a severe lack of systematic study of his life and works , though he produced an opus of over a hundred films 相對來說,李翰祥一生多番起落,拍片逾百,評論不少,但對其作品和電影事業的系統研究,卻顯得比較貧乏。

At this centennial year of the chinese cinema with the assistance of china film archive , we are proud to present eleven of this poet s opus including some of his rarely seen works made after 1949 在慶祝中國電影百周年之際,本館得蒙中國電影資料館慷慨借出孫瑜的作品11部作一次專題展,實在饒有意義。

We are confident that the landscaped villas in liuyuan road will become a magnum opus of suzhou garden villas partly because of its section and environment location and environs 其中,由于留園路姑蘇人家項目所處地域、人文環境非常好,公司有信心有能力將該項目塑造成為新一代蘇州園林別墅的代表作品。

Opus 2 variations for piano , with the now - famous remark , hats off , gentlemen , a genius ! chopin reacted modestly , disliking the public excitement that soon propelled him to international fame 當時蕭邦表現得非常謙虛,他不喜歡被大眾歡呼喝采,然而,大眾對他的喜愛很快就讓他揚名國際。

The pavilion is a home for the grant park music festival . listen as the grant park symphony plays “ julius caesar : symphonic epilogue after shakespeare , “ opus twenty - eight 大帳篷也是大公園音樂節的舉辦地.請聽大公園交響曲演奏愷撒大帝:莎士比亞后期的結尾曲章

After the critical acclaim of his porn [ 3 ] opus boogie nights , paul thomas anderson intended to make “ something light and quick and cheap . 在保羅?托馬斯?安德森的色情影片《一夜成名》受到評論界的贊揚之后,他打算拍點兒“題材輕松、攝制期短、成本又低的電影“ 。