
opulence n.富裕;豐富,豐饒。


It is the rooms occupied by those women who have carriages which spatter their own with mud every day of the week , who have their boxes at the opera or the theatre - italien just as they do , and indeed next to theirs , and who display for all paris to see the insolent opulence of their beauty , diamonds and shameless conduct 這種女人的穿著打扮往往使這些貴婦人相形見絀這種女人在大歌劇院和意大利人歌劇院里,也像她們一樣,擁有自己的包廂,并且就和她們并肩而坐這種女人恬不知恥地在巴黎街頭賣弄她們的姿色,炫耀她們的珠寶,播揚她們的“風流韻事” 。

Playing a dandy emasculated by his pampered background and driven to desperation by a taboo love , leslie has , according to stanley kwan , “ perfected his role . “ as a courtesan bedecked in the silk - and - embroidery opulence of cheongsams , anita who won two best actress awards puts the fatale in femme fatale , combining voracious passion with vulnerability 但為何從塘西傳來那南音是如此加倍凄楚,只因唱著的是那隔世尋覓的忠貞,現代人再不稀罕的一生一世。三十年代名妓如花幽魂飄到今天,尋找當年相約殉情赴死的十二少,才發現當今的人情地志今非昔比。

The new cruise vessels feature a vivid chinese golden dragon on the open top - deck , which represents opulence and strength in traditional chinese culture . other premium features include extra - large side windows , lounge - style sofa , 4 - language tourist information system , a well - decorated bar serving drinks and snacks , extra - high ceilings , dance floors and a full set of professional audio - visual facilities , ideal for staging corporatesocial function , seminar or entertainment performance 其他優質設施包括特大的客艙觀景窗、豪華舒適的梳化座椅、四種語言預錄自助導游系統、提供豐富飲品及美食的酒吧、客艙特高樓底、大型舞池、以及整套達專業水平的影音設備系統,適合舉辦各類型企業及社交活動、研討會或娛樂表演等。

It developed as a major centre of the hanseatic league , and its wealth is demonstrated by the opulence of the public buildings ( the churches in particular ) and the domestic architecture of the merchants ' houses , which have survived to a remarkable degree despite the ravages of fire and war in the intervening centuries 盡管在后來的幾個世紀中屢遭戰火,這里的許多建筑還是較為完好地保留了下來,從那些各式各樣的公共建筑(特別是教堂)以及裝璜考究的商店中我們就可以看出當時這里的繁榮和富裕。

I had not remembered the glory of the wheat ; nor imagined in my reading that in a country so far from the sun , there could be anything so rich , so prodigal , so reckless , as this opulence of ruddy gold , bursting out from the cracked earth as from some fiery vein beneath 我不記得麥子散發的光輝,也沒有在讀書時加以這樣的想象? ?在一個遠離太陽的國度,有些如此富饒、奢侈、義無返顧的什么,這金里透著紅的富足,從破裂的土地里一噴而出,仿佛是從地表下炙熱的大地脈絡里噴涌而出一般。

He weighed the possible evidences for and against ritual murder : the incitation of the hierarchy , the superstition of the populace , the propagation of rumour in continued fraction of veridicity , the envy of opulence , the influence of retaliation , the sporadic reappearance of atavistic delinquency , the mitigating circumstances of fanaticism , hypnotic suggestion and somnambulism 他在衡量著贊成和反對殺人祭神的可能的證據:神職人員的煽動以及民眾的迷信隨著謠言的傳播,致使真實性逐漸減少。對財富的嫉妒,復仇的影響,隔代遺傳造成的不法行為的突發性再犯。有量情余地的狂信,催眠術的暗示和夢游病癥狀。

Each with sitting capacity of over 350 persons , 41 metres in length and a total cost of hk $ 70 million , “ first travel xxxi “ and “ first travel xxxii “ feature a vivid chinese golden dragon on the open top - deck , which represents strength and opulence in traditional chinese culture 斥資共港幣七千萬元購買的新旅游?拾壹及新旅游?拾貳,每艘船身長41米,載客量超過350人,特別在露天甲板上裝有栩栩如生的金龍,金龍在傳統中國文化中代表富裕和充滿活力。

Above the range of loaded plates she sat enthroned in all the opulence which a hotelkeeper enjoys after forty years of activity , and as she sat there she swayed her bloated following of large women , in comparison with the biggest of whom she seemed monstrous 她高高地坐在柜臺后邊,下面是一盆盆滿滿的菜肴,她俯視著一群肥胖的女顧客,她比那些最胖的女人還要肥胖,她坐在女掌柜的寶座上,這個寶座是她四十年苦心經營的結晶。

The corn of france is , in the corn provinces , fully as good , and in most years nearly about the same price with the corn of england , though , in opulence and improvement , france is perhaps inferior to england 與英格蘭比較,論富裕,論進步,法國可能要遜一籌,但法國產麥省出產的小麥,其品質之憂良完全和英格蘭小麥相同,而且在大多數年頭,兩者的價格也大致相同。

Lord krishna , the possessor of all opulence said : the learned know that abandonmenting of activities inspired by fruitive desire is renunciation and the experienced say relinguishing the results of all actions is renunciation 萬有萬福的主奎師那說:有學問的人認為,放棄由利益欲望驅使的行為就是放下,有經驗的人則說放棄所有行為的結果就是放下。

Lord krsna said : o arjuna , i shall explain to you only the divine personal majestic opulence which are prominent since there is no end to my extensive glories 主奎師那說:阿諸那啊,我只向你解釋“我”神性的,外形的,宏偉莊嚴,壯麗輝煌展現的,卓越而無與倫比的那部分,因為“我”廣博的輝煌是無有終止的。

Lord krsna the possessor of all opulence said : the faith of the embodied manifests in three ways : goodness , passionate and nescience ; conforming unto the impressions of past life experiences 萬有萬福的主奎師那說:與往世的經歷印痕相符,體內靈魂的信仰以三種方式展現:善性,欲望情感和愚昧無知。

There are great differences in the condition of the poorest class in different countries ; and in the proportional numbers and opulence of the classes which are above the poorest 在不同的國家,最貧困階級的狀況也大不一樣,最貧困階級之上的其余各階級在人口比例和富裕程度上也有很大差別。

Tokay pinot gris develops a characteristic roundness and opulence . rich , full - bodied and with a long finish , its complex aroma is reminiscent of woodland and is sometimes slightly smoky 龍波灰皮諾半干白散有著圓潤豐韻的特質。豐滿,厚實,回味悠長,復雜香氣中有著森林樹叢、熏烤的氣息。

The corn of poland , in the same degree of goodness , is as cheap as that of france , notwithstanding the superior opulence and improvement of the latter country 就富裕和進步的程度說,法國遠勝于波蘭,但波蘭小麥的價格,與品質同樣優良的法國小麥同樣低廉。

It is built from red brick and granite which imbues it with a feeling of classic opulence , demonstrating the nobleness and simplicity yet grandeur of ancient greece 大樓以紅磚及花崗石所建,具新古典風格,并表現出古希臘的高貴、簡單及莊嚴氣魄。

In both the restaurant and the lounge of the island pacific hotel , a spectacular glass facade blends the opulence of the interiors and the luminosity of the victoria harbour 不論是咖啡廳或是酒吧,全天候玻璃幕墻令室內絢爛的格調與維港融為一體。

The world will think you abandoned and poor , for the wife of a bankrupt would never be forgiven , were she to keep up an appearance of opulence 你必須使外界相信你被遺棄了,而且貧苦無依。一個破產者的妻子如果保持著奢華的外表,人家是無法原諒的。

Arjuna there is no limit to my transcendental majestic opulence ; but all these accounts of such majestic opulence are mentioned by me only in brief 阿諸那啊, “我”超然的,宏偉壯麗的,莊嚴的輝煌展現是無限的。 “我”只是簡要地舉了一些例子而已。