
opprobrium n.1.臭名,恥辱。2.罵詈,責罵;輕蔑。


Politicians need a stronger peer - review system that goes beyond the churlish opprobrium of the campaign trail , and i would love to see a political debate in which the candidates were required to make the opposite case 而政治人物除了選戰里的惡毒攻訐外,同樣需要極具權威的同儕檢視系統,我會很樂于見到候選人必須在政治辯論會以相反立場進行答辯。

After all , did they not deserve the opprobrium of editors , publishers , producers and the public for violating a basic journalistic tenet : truth - telling without fear or favour 畢竟,他們違背了新聞業“揭示真理、無私無畏”的基本原則,難道不該受到編輯、發行人、制作人和公眾的斥責嗎?

No one had reproved john for wantonly striking me ; and because i had turned against him to avert farther irrational violence , i was loaded with general opprobrium 約翰肆無忌憚地打我,卻不受責備,而我不過為了免遭進一步無理毆打,反抗了一下,便成了眾矢之的。

“ the name [ was ] a by - word of scorn and opprobrium throughout the city ” ( washington irving ) “這個名字成了全城表示輕蔑和恥辱的代名詞” (華盛頓?歐文) 。

In english, these are all terms of mild opprobrium when directed at the flatterer . 在英語中,當人們形容那些善于拍馬屁的人時,這些都是溫和的貶義詞。

These are all terms of mild opprobrium when directed at the flatterer . 當人們形容那些善于拍馬屁的人時,這些都是溫和的貶義詞。