
opinion n.1.意見;看法;見解;〔常 pl.〕主張。2.輿論(...

opinion book

The party is trailing badly in the opinion polls . 該黨在民意測驗中大大失利。

The newspaper is a true reflector of public opinion . 報紙是輿論的真實反映。

Do n't concern yourself about his opinion . 不要管他的意見。

Atheism is the opinion that there is no god . 無神論是認為不存在上帝的看法。

Your opinion means an awful lot to me . 你的意見對我來說可真是一言值千金哪。

He has gone up in my opinion . 他在我的心目中的地位已經上升。

In my opinion it 's better not to go . 我的意思還是不去為好。

I make bold to give you my opinion . 不揣冒昧貢獻您一點意見。

He was not soliciting opinions . 他當時并沒有征求旁人的意見。

The public opinion condemns prostitution . 公眾輿論遣責賣淫。

I am sorry , but i do not share your opinion . 對不起,您的意見我不能同意。

I am in the same position or hold the same opinion . 我也如此,我也這么看。

I'm surprised that you want my opinion . 你會征求我的看法,倒使我感到意外。

Your opinions of people are rotten . 你看人的本領太差勁兒了。

I've the utmost respect for his opinion . 我非常尊重他的意見。

Public opinion has at last become vocal . 輿論終于喧嚷起來了。

This was a not uncommon opinion in america also . 這種議論在美國屢見不鮮。

Do n't press your opinions upon her . 不要緊逼她接受你的意見。

I formed my lifelong opinions about money . 我對金錢產生了永生不渝的想法。