
oogonium n.(pl. -nia , -ums)1.卵囊。2.【胎...


In fetal gonad , oogonia become to primary oocytes by beginning of the first meiosis , and oocytes will be enclosed by ovarian somatic cells and further form the primordial follicles 在體內,卵原細胞會停止有絲分裂、啟動并進入減數分裂而轉變為卵母細胞,進而被周圍的體細胞包圍形成卵泡。

A group of cells at the tip of the oogonium in certain green algae ( chlorophyta ) , such as the stonewort chara and the mermaid ' s cup ( acetabularia ) 2某些綠色藻類(綠藻門)中頸卵器頂部的一組細胞,例如輪藻屬和傘藻屬的冠細胞。

When the gametes are readily distinguished as male or female , other therms may be used such as antheridium , archiegonum , or oogonium 配子很快地分化為雌性或雄性以后,其他的細胞會形成如精子囊,頸卵器,卵囊等器官。