
only adj.1.唯一的。2.無比的,獨一無二的;最適當的。短...


Politics is the only thing which separates us . 我們只是政治觀點相左。

You used them only for self-advancement . 你只是用他們為了自己向上爬。

Remembering the past was his only pleasure . 他唯一的樂趣是回憶往事。

Luckily, there are only two semesters a year . 幸虧一年只有兩個學期。

There are only two days left before the election . 離選舉只有兩天了。

They'll only fix something and ruin us . 他們只會搞些花樣來害我們。

It took me only five minutes to change . 我只用五分鐘就換好了衣服。

He had been brought up only on chromos . 他從小看慣的只有五彩石印畫。

Fatalism was nadiensky's only refuge . 宿命論是納齊恩斯基的唯一寄托。

Look , we have only this tiny bit left . 瞧,我們只剩這么一點點了。

She had only made me a formal courtesy . 她對我只是打個禮節性的招呼。

The results have been only moderately successful . 結果只是部分成功。

But that only delayed the day of reckoning . 但這只能推遲攤牌的時間。

In carrie he saw only the novice . 他對于嘉莉,只看到新見世面這一點。

That's the only way to get a line on a guy . 不這樣就沒法了解一個人。

I have only a sketchy knowledge of geography . 我對地理只是一知半解。

Youth only recognizes age by fits and starts . 青春只是偶爾認識老年。

I have only just heard about his dismissal . 我剛聽到他遭解雇的事。

The number 101. 11 contains only five bits . 10111這個數只有5位。