
onlooking n.,adj.旁觀(的)。


The laughter has filled the entire movie , he by the bold creativity , the exaggerating movement , the ever changing facial expression , the exquisite adept bodily skill has subdued billion audiences , caused the movie to set the record of the magnificent box office record , the people struggled the onlooking , was worth seeing a hundred times 笑聲充滿了整個影片,他以大膽的創意,夸張的動作,千變萬化的面部表情,精湛嫻熟的身體技能折服了千百萬觀眾,使影片創下了輝煌的票房記錄,人們爭相觀看,百看不厭。

The expectancy in the waiting , onlooking crowd becomes very great , and the tension is real and increasing 大家在等待著,目擊的人群變得非常強大,不安是真實的,而且還正在增加。

The speech being onlooking of injured party come 被害人的目擊報告來了

The testimonyto be onlooking man is wholly differed 目擊人的證詞都不一樣