
once adv.1.一次,一趟,一回,一遍;一倍。 I shou...


The spiffy thing is to hit the sack at once . 最妙不過的事是馬上睡覺去。

I'll have them nicely dried, sir, at once . 先生,我馬上就去把它們烘干。

Annixter came at once to the main point . 安尼史斯特開門見山的談到主題。

I will tell you how to do it once again . 我再告訴你一次怎么做。

Once more he saw open honeysuckle . 他又一次看到了盛開的忍冬花。

I will run back over the procedure once again . 我把這個程序再復查一次。

Oceanographers once tracked waves . 有一次海洋學家跟蹤一些波浪。

But, once again, god's will be done . 可是,我再說一遍,這是上帝的旨意。

He recognized familiar points at once . 他頓時記起了熟悉的地方。

I shall explain it fully once for all . 我詳細解說一次以后就不再解說了。

Once again he felt an unpleasant shock . 他又覺得象是挨了一悶棍。

I spotted him at once as an american . 我一見就看出他是個美國人。

In case you give me leave , i will start at once . 我立即就動身。

If you find anything unusual , report it at once . 發現情況,趕緊報告。

You will like her once you get to know her . 你一旦了解她,就喜歡她了。

For once the stepmother had nothing to say . 這一次繼母沒話說了。

Once he opens his mouth , he never stops . 他打開話匣子就沒個完。

The tricks were meant to be seen only once . 這種把戲只需看一遍。

Once you are unemployed , you are done for . 一旦失業,你就完了。