
omphalos n.1.〔古希臘〕盾中央的浮凸飾;(Apollo 神殿的...


It is termed the omphalos hypothesis because it is based on the question of whether or not adam ( or eve for that matter ) had a navel ( given that they were created as adults rather than born , they can be assumed to have never possessed an umbilical cord ) 這就是浮飾假定的含義因為它是建立在懷疑有沒有亞當(或者伊夫這類的問題)有個肚臍(假使他們創造為成年人而不是出生,他們被假定決不會擁有一個臍帶) 。

But ours is the omphalos 然而我們那座是中心。 ”

Omphalos . - let him stay , stephen said “讓他呆下去吧, ”斯蒂芬說。