
omission n.1. 省略,刪節;遺漏。2.疏忽;失職。3.【法律】...


On the act of omission in administrative enforcement of law 論公安行政執法中存在的不作為問題

There are some surprising omissions in this report 在這份報告中,有一些令人吃驚的忽略之處。

These options imply the use of the frame - pointer omission 這些選項隱含使用“框架指針省略” (

Omission of a final or initial sound in pronunciation 省音在發音中省略最后一個或最初一個音

Definition of administrative act of omission 論行政不作為行為的界定

Supervision omissions within the party and corresponding solutions 試論黨內監督的疏漏及對策

The mark ‘ ’ denotes a place of omission 記號指示有脫漏的地方。

This list of names has a few omissions 她抱怨名單上遺漏了她的名字。

Omission or understatement of income or profits 漏報或少報入息或利潤

His omission from the team is rather surprising 隊里沒有他,令人驚奇

She complained about the omission of her name from the list 她抱怨名單上遺漏了她的名字。

She complained about the omission of her name from the list 她抱怨名單上忽略了她的名子。

Several problems on administrative omission 行政不作為若干問題研究一

Apparently , the shortage is due to omission in packing 很明顯,貨物短缺系包裝遺漏所致。

Firstly introduce the concept of administrative omission 首先介紹了行政不作為的概念。

On omission in the positive duty of administrative subject 論行政主體積極義務中的不作為

On precautions against administrative omission 論對行政不作為的事先監控

She complained about the omission of her name from the list 她抱怨名單上沒有她的名字。

Inquirg the wu brothers ' omission from the academic studies 追問吳氏兄弟學術上的被疏漏