
ominous adj.1.預兆的,預示的(of)。2.不吉的,不祥的,...


I saw him smile to himself - grin rather - and lapse into ominous musing whenever mrs linton had occasion to be absent from the apartment 只要是林敦夫人一離開這間房子,我就看見他自己在微笑簡直是在獰笑而且沉入兇險的冥想中。

The guide had replied , “ to make our fbi headquarters seem less secret , less closed in , less ominous and forbidding . 那位向導回答說: “這樣可以使聯邦調查局的總部看起來不那么秘密,不那么封閉,不那么陰森和令人生畏。 ”

There were sporadic occurrences in the hour or so before the game ; but , while ominous , the situation appeared under control 其實在比賽前的幾個小時就已經出現了零星的斗毆事件,只不過由于發現及時,事態得到了控制。

See - sawing between partly good and faintly ominous , the news for the nest four weeks was never distinct 在那以后的四個星期內,消息時而部分有所好轉,時而有所有點不妙,兩種情況不斷交替出現,一直沒有明朗化。

There is a widespread testimony that this ominous fact is due to inherent biological defects in the crowded life of cities 有一個普遍的證據可以說明這種不吉利的事實歸咎于城市擁擠生活中的固有的生態缺陷。

See - sawing between partly good faintly ominous , the news for the next four weeks was never distinct 在那以后的四個星期內,消息時而部分有所好轉,時而又有點不妙,兩種情況不斷地交替出現,一直沒有明朗化。

There is a widespread testimony that this ominous fact is due to inherent biological defects in the crowded life of cities 有個普遍的證據證明:這個不吉祥的事實歸咎于擁擠的城市生活中所固有的生態缺陷。

And then it was discomforting to see huck eying joe s preparations so wistfully , and keeping up such an ominous silence 而哈克老是盯著準備回家的喬,一言不發,一副想與之同往的神情,更令他心神不寧。

Some prison break fans are alarmed by this development , worrying that the hiatus might have a more ominous meaning behind it 一些《越獄》粉絲對事態發展感到恐慌,他們擔心停播的背后有不祥的意義。

An ominous crowd gathered to see him dismount at the posting - yard , and many voices called out loudly , down with the emigrant 有一個愛國者又常喝得醉醺醺的,粗心大意地提著槍,也使他隨時感到威脅。

Miller villa face , as if she can feel the air devil vocalization , and all gave her an ominous sense of foreboding 面對米勒山莊,她仿佛能感覺到空氣中魔鬼的嘶叫,一切都給她不祥的的預感。

Delayed or missed diagnosis usually brings ominous outcomes , not only to the patient but also the cohabitants 錯誤或者僅是延遲診斷,不但危及患者的生命,甚至其共同居住者也有危險。

At the plant , nurses in the medical department had also begun to notice the same ominous pattern 該工廠醫療部門的護士們也開始注意到一些類似的異常情況。

I ' m free right now , actually . - that sounds ominous . let me check my schedule 實際上,我現在就有空-聽起來不像是好事嘛,讓我查一下日程安排

- i ' m free right now , actually . - that sounds ominous . let me check my schedule -實際上,我現在就有空-聽起來不像是好事嘛,讓我查一下日程安排

As in any good gothic horror story , this ominous world hides terrible secrets 就像所有好看的歌特式恐怖故事,這個不祥的世界里有駭人的秘密。

You ominous bitch 你這喪門星!

One late summer night , the unsuspecting couple ' s baby is taken by the ominous being 一個夏天的深夜,那邪惡的生物把男嬰拿走。

Ominous - for him 不祥之兆對他而言