
oldish adj.有點老的,稍舊的。


When the count returned , natasha showed a discourteous relief at seeing him , and made haste to get away . at that moment she almost hated that stiff , oldish princess , who could put her in such an awkward position , and spend half an hour with her without saying a word about prince andrey . i couldnt be the first to speak of him before that frenchwoman , thought natasha 當伯爵回來以后,娜塔莎在他面前無禮貌地高興起來,急急忙忙地離開這時她幾乎仇視那個年歲大的干巴巴的公爵小姐,她會把她弄得狼狽不堪,關于安德烈公爵,她一言不發,和她在一塊就這樣待上半個鐘頭了, “要知道,我不會在這個法國女人面前首先談到他。 ”

Ju pao who outwardly looks a little “ oldish “ , actually is a grade 6 boy every time going out of the country to perform , whenever jay meets a girl who ' s not bad , always gives the task to the ambassador to go out and get the number 外表看來有點老氣的巨炮,其實是6年級的男生每次出國演出,周杰倫只要遇到不錯的女孩子,總是擔任大使出面去要電話,巨炮笑說:因為我個性比較外放,杰倫比較悶騷,所以都是由我出面去幫他要電話,但是要回來,他又不敢打,都變成廢紙一張。

And then she started carrying on with a fellow from kinbrook , i don t know if you know him , an oldish fellow with a red nose , rather dandified , willcock , as works in harrison s woodyard 你知道他們都是些很信教的人,真人!艱險父親死后,她開始和一個琴卜綠的男子來往,我不知道你們認識他不,他叫威爾谷,是一個紅鼻子。

Upon the old crooked burgess streets hordes of oldish blackened miners dwellings crowded , lining the roads out 在那市區的彎曲的老街兩旁,擠擁著所有舊而黑的礦工住宅。

Oldish man , with a - “ no , i didn t see nobody , aunt sally 一個上了歲數的人,帶著” “沒有啊,我沒有遇見什么人啊,薩莉阿姨。

Brown is too oldish for you 你穿棕色太老氣了。