
olden adj.〔古語〕古昔的。 in (the) olden ...


The ruin of the french society of the olden days , the fall of his own family , the tragic spectacles of ' 93 , which were , perhaps , even more alarming to the emigrants who viewed them from a distance , with the magnifying powers of terror , - - did these cause the ideas of renunciation and solitude to germinate in him 法國舊社會的崩潰,他自己家庭的破落,一般流亡者可能因遠道傳聞和恐怖的夸大而顯得更加可怕的九三年的種種悲劇,是否使他在思想上產生過消沉和孤獨的意念呢?

In the olden times , we want to print a book , we have to cut the whole tree down first and chop them with very unsophisticated axes , which are “ kaput “ in no time and no use in another time ; and have to polish it with stones and all kinds of things , and to carve one word after another 古時候要印一本書,得用粗糙的斧頭,先砍下一整棵樹,再劈成細片,而且斧頭一下子就會壞掉變鈍不能用,所以又要花時間用石頭把它磨利,還有種種麻煩的事,然后還要一字一字慢慢刻。

Myanmar , known as the golden earth in the olden days for its fertile land and rich natural resources is the largest country in the south - east asia borders with bangladesh , india , china , laos and thailand . total land area is about 677 , 000sq . km . it is about the size of texas and the size of united kingdom and france combined 緬甸因其肥沃的土地和豐富的自然資源在古時被稱為“黃金之地” ,是東南亞地區最大的國家,毗鄰孟加拉、印度、中國、老撾和泰國,領土總面積約為六十七萬六千五百七十七平方公里,相當于美國得克薩斯整個州的面積,或英國和法國領土面積的總和,南北跨度兩千零九十多公里,東西超過九百二十五公里。

There are three plays : “ wall - jumping & chess - playing “ , emphasizing an implicit agreement among three characters full of interesting performance behind the back one another ; “ the trident road “ , noted for the fighting actions ; and “ to pick up a jade bracelet “ , performing a variety of basic stage actions such as to embroider , to clearly make an explanations of an agricultural woman life style in the olden days 劇目有三:西廂記:跳墻著棋有很多背功的趣味戲,強調西廂記三個角色之間的默契;三叉口是以武打動作取勝的昆曲折子戲;拾玉鐲以花旦為主,其中許多旦角的舞廳基本動作,如趕雞、繡花,詮釋出古代農村婦女的生活形態。

In the olden times , we want to print a book , we have to cut the whole tree down first and chop them with very unsophisticated axes , which are “ kaput “ in no time and no use in another time ; and have to polish it with stones and all kinds of things , and to carve one word after another 古時候要印一本書,得用粗糙的斧頭,先砍下一整棵樹,再劈成細片,而且斧頭一下子就會壞掉、變鈍不能用,所以又要花時間用石頭把它磨利,還有種種麻煩的事,然后還要一字一字慢慢刻。

In the olden times , we want to print a book , we have to cut the whole tree down first and chop them with very unsophisticated axes , which are “ kaput “ in no time and no use in another time ; and have to polish it with stones and all kinds of things , and to carve one word after another 古時候要印一本書,得用粗糙的斧頭,先砍下一整棵樹,再劈成細片,而且斧頭一下子就會壞掉、變鈍不能用,所以又要花時間用石頭把它磨利,還有種種麻煩的事,然后還要一字一字慢慢刻。

Hurstwood began to doubt , but kept , or thought to keep , at least , the cool demeanour with which , in olden times , he deceived those psychic students of the gaming table , who seem to read thoughts and moods , rather than exterior evidences , however subtle 赫斯渥開始拿不準了,但是還保持著至少是想要保持著鎮定的神態,從前他就是憑這個來騙過那些工于心計的賭徒的。這些賭徒似乎是在琢磨對方的思想和心情,而不是在觀察對方外表的跡象,不管這些跡象有多微妙。

In addition , the architectural rules of the suzhou classical gardens as gardenized mansions renect the life and recreation style and customs of ancient china s southerners , and provide material data for understanding and studying folklore in olden south china 另外,蘇州古典園林作為宅園合一的第宅園林,其建筑規制又反映了中國古代江南民間起居休親的生活方式和禮儀習俗,是了解和研究古代中國江南民俗的實物資料。

Investigation and colloquium method is not also a revolution to the olden way of teaching science , but also an evolution of modern science . investigation and colloquium method has deeply impacted and influenced our elementary scientific educational field for over twenty years 20世紀80年代初,蘭本達不遠萬里來到中國推廣“探究? ?研討”教學法,為中國的小學科學教育改革無私地奉獻了自己幾十年的研究成果。

In addition , museum ambassadors will show you toys from the olden days and you can even join them for a toy crafts session using simple materials and then discuss the toys you have made with other participants 博物館大使又會與參加者重溫各種昔日玩意,并利用簡單材料,引發創作潛能,設計小玩意,既可比試一番,又可交流分享。

The whole building is exquisitely decorated with fine wood carvings , polychrome plaster mouldings , ceramic sculptures and murals of auspicious chinese motifs , fully reflecting the superb craftsmanship of the olden days 建筑物內外均飾有以吉祥圖案為題材的精致木刻、彩塑、陶塑及壁畫,充分反映了昔日工匠的精湛技藝。

How much do you know about village life in the olden times ? this hands - on activity lets children find out the similarities and differences between village life past and present 生活在城市的小朋友可以在模擬的村屋內,使用傳統的農村家居用品,體驗簡樸的鄉村生活,親身了解鄉村與都市生活的不同。

In the olden times , if people wanted to go off to a mountain cave to meditate , all they had to do was tell their spouses , im leaving . ill return in six months or a year 以前的人要去山洞修行,如果他們有家庭的話,只要跟丈夫或太太講一聲:我走了,半年或一年以后會回來。

Going with the social olden , hipbone fracture incidence caused by bone loosen increased , its syndrome is the major reason of elder disability and death 摘要隨著社會老齡化,骨質疏松引起髖部骨折的發生率增高,髖部骨折制動所引起的并發癥是老人致殘和死亡的主要原因。

How much do you know about village life in the olden times ? this hands - on activity lets children explore the similarities and differences between village life past and present 生活在城市的小朋友可藉此活動,體驗簡樸的鄉村生活,親身了解古今生活的不同。

000 gaining the support of the igigi , alalu ' s grandson attempts to seize mastery over earth . the enlilites win the war of the olden gods 000年前,獲得了伊吉吉的支持,阿拉奴的孫子嘗試去奪取地球的掌握權。伊利利贏得了舊黃金時代的戰爭。

3800 urban civilization begins in sumer as the anunnaki reestablish there the olden cities , beginning with eridu and nippur 3800年,蘇美爾的城市文明開始了,是安奴拿其在那里重建了古昔的城市,連同著伊利都和尼普一起開始。

It is one of the largest fishing rafts areas in hong kong ; they are reminiscence of hong kong s olden days as a fish port 它是香港最大的養魚區之一,見到一連串的漁排,令人感受到昔日漁港風情。

It is one of the largest fishing raft areas in hong kong ; they are reminiscence of hong kong s olden days as a fish port 它是香港最大的養魚區之一,見到一連串的漁排,令人感受到昔日漁港風情。