
ogden n.1.奧格登〔姓氏〕。2.Charles Kay Og...


Such a large cut means china could end up by 2010 with “ by far the most aggressive global warming pollution reduction policy of any country in the world , “ douglas ogden , director of the china sustainable energy program at the energy foundation , an organization in san francisco promoting renewable energy and efficiency in china and the us , wrote in an e - mail 舊金山的一個致力于促進中國、美國在可再生能源和能耗效率健康發展的組織, “全球資源有限情況下的中國能源政策” ,主任道格拉斯?奧登先生在一封電子郵件當中寫到, “如此之大的削減溫室氣體排放量,這足以使中國在2010以前成為世界上對全球變暖、保護環境等問題最積極進取的國家。 ”

Mr fogg and his party had time to pay a visit to salt lake city , connected with ogden by a branch road ; and they spent two hours in this strikingly american town , built on the pattern of other cities of the union , like a checker - board , with the sombre sadness of right angles as victor hugo expresses it 這樣一次游覽只需要兩小時就夠了。這座城的建筑設計完全和其他的美國城市一樣,整個城市象是一個方方正正的大棋盤,街道又直又長,街口的轉角真是象維克多雨果所形容的那樣,都是“憂郁悲愴的街角” 。

With his mind s eye he looked into her comfortable room in ogden place , where he had spent several such delightful evenings , and thought how charming it would be when drouet was disposed of entirely and she was waiting evenings in cosey little quarters for him 他在心里想象著奧登公寓那個舒適的房間,在那里他曾經度過好幾個愉快的晚上。他想象著一旦把杜洛埃完全拋在一邊,嘉莉在他們的舒適小屋等著他回來的情景。

Drouet had taken three rooms , furnished , in ogden place , facing union park , on the west side . that was a little , green - carpeted breathing spot , than which , to - day , there is nothing more beautiful in chicago 杜洛埃在西區正對著聯合公園的奧登廣場租了三間帶家俱的房間,那是個綠草如茵,空氣清新的小地方,如今在芝加哥再沒有這么美的地方了。

She took the car and arrived at ogden place in three - quarters of an hour , but decided to ride on to the west side branch of the post - office , where she was accustomed to receive hurstwood s letters 她坐上街車,刻鐘后到了奧登廣常但是她決定再坐下去,到西區郵局下車,她一向是從那里拿到赫斯渥的信的。

The train , on leaving great salt lake at ogden , passed northward for an hour as far as weber river , having completed nearly nine hundred miles from san francisco 火車離開了大咸湖和奧格登車站繼續北上,一小時后到了威伯爾河。從舊金山出發到現在已經走了差不多九百英里。

I was coming west from new york , and when the train stopped at ogden , the train - boy on the new run brought aboard the current number of the transcontinental . 我從紐約往西回來,火車到了奧格登,下一班乘務員把最新一期跨越大陸拿上了火車。 ”

He had intended to hurry out to ogden place and surprise carrie , but now he fell into an interesting conversation and soon modified his original intention 他本來打算趕快回奧登廣場給嘉莉一個驚喜,現在和這個熟人談上癮了,就改變了初衷。

He did manage to bring himself into the mood to go out to carrie , but when he got in ogden place he thought he saw a man watching him and went away 他確實鼓起勇氣出去找過嘉莉,但是當他走到奧登廣場時,他感到有人在注意他,只好走開了。

Ogden ifc has established commercial , accountable operating practices in public assembly facilities , many of which are government owned 奧祈登在公眾集會配套設施方面已經建立了商業化、責任制的運作模式,大部分是政府認可的。

It was not quite two days after the scene between carrie and hurstwood in the ogden place parlour before he again put in his appearance 嘉莉和赫斯渥在奧登公寓會客室會見相隔不到兩天,赫斯渥又來求見了。

Most of what we know about them comes from dumbledore ' s interview of ministry of magic investigator bob ogden ( hbp10 ) 我們對岡特一家的最大消息來源是鄧布利多從鮑勃?奧格登那里獲得的記憶(王子第十章) 。

Most of what we know about them comes from dumbledore ' s interview of ministry of magic investigator bob ogden ( hbp10 ) 鄧布利多拜訪鮑勃?奧格登而獲得的記憶,是我們了解岡特家族的最大來源。

He hurried to madison street and boarded a horse - car , which carried him to ogden place in half an hour 他急急走到麥迪生大街,坐上公共馬車,半小時后來到了奧登廣常嘉莉正打算去散步。

We are pleased to have u . s . firms such as ogden playing a role in the operation of macau s international airport 我們很高興有美國公司,例如ogden ,在澳門國際機場的運作中發揮作用。

He took a madison car and went direct to ogden place , this time walking boldly up to the door 他上了一輛麥迪遜街的有軌電車直奔奧登公寓。這次他大膽地徑直走到門口。

He was interested in buying the pocket book of ogden nash but claimed it was overpriced at 35 cents 他對購買袖珍奧金.納什集頗感興趣,但是說它要三十五美分開價過高。

An ogden , iowa , a minister was matching coins with a member of his congregation for a cup of coffee 衣阿華州奧格登的一位牧師正在與一位教友為一杯咖啡而猜硬幣。

An ogden , iowa , minister was matching coins with a member of his congregation for a cup of coffee 衣阿華州奧格根的一位牧師正在與一位教友為一杯咖啡而猜硬幣。