
offal n.碎屑,垃圾;食品下腳料〔碎肉等〕;內臟;下水;雜魚,...


Segregation and central slaughtering of waterfowls since 1998 separate and individual packing of waterfowl offal for sale to prevent cross - contamination since late 2001 自二一年后期開始,水禽內臟會被分隔及個別包裝才出售,以防止交叉感染

No person shall mark any dressed carcass or offal with a mark so closely resembling a mark specified in schedule 5 as to be likely to mislead 任何人不得在去臟的屠體或什臟蓋上與附表5所指明的標記極為相似而足以相當可能引起誤導的標記。

To inspect the carcass and offal of every food animal immediately after slaughter in licensed slaughterhouses to ensure their fitness for human consumption 在持牌屠房屠宰食用牲口后,立即檢驗每只牲口的屠體和什臟,以確保適合人類食用

The trade should obtain the supply of pigs , pork and pig offal from approved and reliable sources and should not use clenbuterol in animal feed 業界必須從合法及可靠的來源購入豬只、豬肉或豬內臟及不可于動物飼料內加入鹽酸克侖特羅。

“ because of you i will rebuke your descendants ; i will spread on your faces the offal from your festival sacrifices , and you will be carried off with it 3我必斥責你們的種子,又把你們犧牲的糞,抹在你們的臉上。你們要與糞一同除掉。

The trade should obtain the supply of pigs , pork and pig offal from approved and reliable sources and should not use clenbuterol in animal feed 業界必須從合法及可靠的來源購入豬只豬肉或豬內臟及不可于動物飼料內加入鹽酸克侖特羅。

“ the regulation also sets down the maximum residue limits ( mrl ) in line with international standards for 10 chemicals in meat , offal and milk 規例亦會跟隨國際標準,設定另十種化學物在肉類、內臟及奶內的最高殘馀限量。

Within the sar , the black eared kite is a very widespread species . they feed on dead fish , offal and snakes , winged termites , frogs and small birds 麻鷹在本港的分布范圍甚廣,主要以死魚動物內臟蛇飛白蟻蛙和小鳥為食糧。

Output of pork , beef , and mutton : refers to the meat of slaugh tered hogs , cattle , sheep and goats with head , feet , and offal taken away 豬、牛、羊肉產量:指當年出欄并已屠宰后除去頭蹄下水后帶骨肉(即胴體重)的重量。

Clenbuterol in pork and pig offal there have been local food poisoning outbreaks due to the consumption of clenbuterol tainted pig offal 本港最近發生有市民因進食受鹽酸克侖特羅污染的豬內臟而引致食物中毒的過案。

What we should do before installation is that clean the floor clearly , assure that no floating dust , no obvious bulge and offal of construction 保持安裝場地清潔,勿在鋪裝場地上進行初涂膠和拼裝外的施工活動。

Many of them love drinking alcohol and eating foods which are rich in purine , such as offal , shellfish and seafood 他們多有飲酒的習慣,喜歡吃動物內臟、貝殼類及海產等,這些食物都含有高成份的嘌呤。

Composition : bovine meat and bone meal ? produced from the solid material left over after the dehydration of the offal and removal of the fat 合成過程:牛肉及牛骨粉?由脫水去脂后的動物的固體殘余物制成。

In many cases uk processors have to pay for the destruction of some pork offal that could otherwise be sold to china 在多數情況下,英國豬肉加工廠不得不出錢將豬雜肉銷毀,而這些雜肉其實可以出口到中國。

Composition : ovine meat and bone meal ? produced from the solid material left over after the dehydration of the offal and removal of the fat 合成方式:綿羊肉骨粉?由脫水去脂后的動物的固體殘余物制成。

Many of them love drinking alcohol and eating foods which are rich in purine , such as offal , shellfish and seafood 他們多有飲酒的習慣,喜歡吃動物內臟貝殼類及海產等,這些食物都含有高成份的嘌呤。

There is no cause for undue alarm in the consumption of pork and pig offal . however , a balanced diet is always important 在食用豬肉及豬內臟時無須過分憂慮;不過,均衡飲食始終是十分重要的。

We left john canty dragging the rightful prince into offal court , with a noisy and delighted mob at his heels 我們上次說到約翰?康第拖著合法的王子往垃圾大院里去,后面跟一群嘈雜而高興的閑人。

There is no cause for undue alarm in the consumption of pork and pig offal . however , a balanced diet is always important 在食用豬肉及豬內臟時無須過分憂慮不過,均衡飲食始終是十分重要的。