
odyssey n.1.《奧德賽》〔荷馬所著史詩〕。2.〔o-〕長期的漂...


On the line to voa from his office in sri lanka , the captain describes the beginning of what became a more than 3 - month odyssey 在斯里蘭卡從他辦公室發給voa電臺,船長描述了什么的開端演變成為期三個多月飄泊之旅。

Of the new ones , the least understood is odyssey , the decade of wandering that frequently occurs between adolescence and adulthood 在新出現的里面最鮮為人知的是“奧德賽” :在青春期和成年期之間頻繁徘徊的十年。

On the line to voa from his office in sri lanka , the captain describes the beginning of what became a more than 3 month odyssey 在斯里蘭卡辦公室接受voa采訪時,船長敘述了三個多月奧德賽般艱難歷程的肇始。

Apias is among the first tertiary institution at the asia - pacific region to be designated as a member university of odyssey travel 亞太老年研究中心是首間亞太區專上學院被指定為odyssey travel的會員大學。

The latest sky show “ mars odyssey “ takes the audience to another journey of exploration , to unveil the mystery of mars 全新制作的天象節目勇闖火星將會帶領觀眾踏上另一次探險旅程,探索火星的奧秘。

From on board the unmanned mars odyssey spacecraft , instruments that measure gamma rays and neutrons made the discovery 這個發現歸功于無人駕駛的“奧德賽”火星探測器上測量伽瑪射線和中子的儀器。

My dream is to travel all around the world while on a business trip just like sun wukong in the west odyssey 周奔馳:我的夢想是象“大話西游”中的孫悟空一樣,借出差的機會到世界各國轉一圈。

Ign : why is lost odyssey sticking to old - school turn based combat systems rather than trying to add something new to keep things fresh 為什么要選擇傳統的回合制而不是更有新意一些的設定呢?

Ign : some of the character design is reminiscent of final fantasy . what sets lost odyssey apart from that series 許多角色看起來讓人聯想到“最終幻想”系列里的人物,如何能區分這兩個游戲呢?

The team proposed the theory after studying data from the thermal emission imaging system on the mars odyssey orbiter 這個團隊是在研究了由火星軌道衛星奧德塞傳回的數據后提出這個理論的。

But the real odyssey begins when joline winds up in el paso , texas , finds carl , and stakes out his new life . from her car 得償所愿,她找到了卡路,卻又發覺原來自己也陷入了婚姻的迷惘中. .

Harte , j . 1993 . the green fuse : an ecological odyssey . berkeley : university of california press , usa 中譯本:綠色保險絲大地的最后一道防線,金恒鑣譯,允晨文化實業股份有限公司。

Theremin : an electronic odyssey ( 1995 ) . directed by steven m . martin . video release date : july 5 , 2000 特雷門:電子奧德賽( 1995 ) ,史蒂芬m馬丁導演,影片出版日期: 2000年7月25日。

Now , there are at least six : childhood , adolescence , odyssey , adulthood , active retirement and old age 現在,至少有六個:孩童時期,青春期, ”奧德賽“ ,成年期,活躍退休期,老年期。

I would rather not reveal the relationship between primary quest lines , odysseys if you like 這些主要的任務線間是否有相互關聯,最好不是我透露出來的,而是讓有興趣的人來挖掘。

Ray nakazato : we don ' t have a particular time setting as the world of lost odyssey does not take place on earth 我們沒有給游戲設定一個特定的時間,這并不是在地球上發生的事。

2005 : a stage odyssey photography workshop and youth in love with video project 2005 所有購票優惠計劃不適用于《 2005舞臺漫游》攝影工作坊及《愛上錄像的少年計劃2005 》 。

“ hong kong movie odyssey “ campaign won a silver award in the advertisements broadcast and cable campaign series 香港星影情活動榮獲廣告廣播及有線推廣活動系列銀獎。

She followed her way of odyssey step by step and got to the top of heap in the section 她沿著一條充滿艱難險阻的道路一步一步地奮斗,終于得到了這個部門的最高位置。