
odeum n.(pl. odeums, odea )1.〔古希臘、...


Prom struggle drama of han dynasty to beijing drama of qing dynasty , the course of their development is studied in this thesis . 2 : traditional theater ( playhouse , odeum ) of sichuan province with different name of ancient theaters such as stages , tea house and ever - lasting stage , they are quasi in main characters 中國戲曲歷二千年的發展,從古代巫歌、儺戲逐漸演化到今天數百種戲曲爭艷的局面,可以說從很大程度上反映了歷史時代的政治、經濟、文化等諸多方面。

The main medias of guangzhou had reported the great success of the ceremony for “ fund of gdcc “ medal award of gdccp , which were held at the xinghai odeum of guangzhou on 14th december , 2001 (四)我會于2001年12月14日晚在廣州星海音樂廳舉行: “廣東中華文化基金” 2001年度南粵優秀教師、優秀少先隊輔導員表彰活動,廣東各主要報刊及廣東電視臺、廣州電視臺均作了詳細報道。

The fixed quantity guideline of the timbre is given by testing the empty yard reverberation time and calculating the full yard reverberation time of the odeum in the xiaogan college 本文通過對孝感學院音樂演播廳混響時間、聲壓級分布及背景噪聲等客觀質量的測試,給出了定量的音質評價。