
oceanarium n.〔美國〕大型海水水族館。


Underwater world singapore is one of asia ' s most popular oceanariums . it has an 83 metre long acrylic tunnel , home to some 2 , 500 marine creatures from 250 species 新加坡海底世界是亞洲最受歡迎的海洋水族館之一。他擁有一條長83米的丙烯隧道,在這里生活著250個物種,約2500個海洋生物。

The attached multilevel oceanarium is a spectacular space where huge mammal pools seem to blend into the lake outside the floor - to - ceiling windows 相鄰的多層海洋水族館蔚為奇觀,巨大的哺乳類海洋動物水池連成一片,有從地面到天花板那么高,像是一個大湖。

In another game , as the turtle swims across the oceanarium , the first porpoises swoops down from above and butts his shell with his belly 另一場競賽中,當海龜游過水族館時,一只海豚突然從上面撲下來,用它的頭撞擊海龜的殼。

In another game , as the turtle swims across the oceanarium , the first porpoise swoops down from above and butts his shell with his belly 在另一次游戲中,當海龜游過水族館時,第一只海豚從上方猛撲下去,并用腹部撞擊龜殼。

As the turtle swims across the oceanarium , the first porpoise swoops down from above and butts his shell with his belly 當海龜游過水族館時,第一只海豚從上方猛撲下去,并用腹部撞擊龜殼。

As the turtle swims across the oceanarium , the first porpoise swoops down from above and butts his shell with his belly . 當海龜游過水族館時,第一只海豚從上方撲下去,并用腹部撞擊龜殼。