
occupant n.(土地、房屋、地位等的)占有人;居住者;【法律】占據...


Influence of restraint system parameters on occupant crash performance in mini - van 微型客車約束系統參數對乘員碰撞響應的影響

Acts induced or compelled by the occupant are nonetheless its acts 換言之, ?領者所引導或強迫的行為,仍舊屬于?領者的行為。

The occupant has the right to regulate commercial intercourse in the occupied territory 占領者得規?占領區域內之商業交易。

Occupant restraint system evaluation frontal impact component level - heavy trucks 正面碰撞減震系統元件水平評價.重型卡車

The housing department has agreed to assist in rehousing affected rooftop occupants 房屋署已同意安置受影響的天臺居民。

The occupants of the rooms are yawning too , or else scratching themselves 屋子里注的房客也在打哈欠,或是在替自己搔癢。

Classification for serviceability of an office facility for change and churn by occupants 辦公設施對員工變動的功能分類

The inside of each tent depended on the personality of its occupants 每個帳篷內怎樣的布置,這要看各個用者的性格了。

Methods for using evidence based practice to reduce injuries of motor vehicle occupants 應用循證實踐減少機動車傷害

Occupant restraint system evaluation frontal impact system level - heavy trucks 正面碰撞減震系統水平評價.重型卡車

Occupant restraint system evaluation lateral rollover system - level heavy trucks 重型卡車側向翻轉系統減震系統評價

The protection of the occupants in the event of a frontal collision for passenger car 乘用車正面碰撞的乘員保護

Study on occupant dynamics computer simulation in automotive collision 汽車碰撞過程中乘員響應的計算機仿真研究

. . . meet the man who is to be the final occupant of that booth 讓我們認識一下這個電話亭的最后一位使用者吧

A strange place was this humble kitchen for such occupants 這個簡陋的廚房里居然呆著這樣兩個人,真是奇怪。

Safety belts and restraint systems for adult occupants of motor vehicles 機動車成年乘員用安全帶和約束系統

Meet the man who is to be the final occupant of that booth 讓我們認識一下這個電話亭的最后一位使用者吧

Head restraints for automobile occupants 汽車乘客的護頭墊

She is the next occupant of the post 她是該職位的下一任。