
occipital adj.【解剖學】枕骨的;枕部的;【蟲類】后頭部的。 o...


Various anatomical structures were dissected . the distance between these structures and the underlying venous sinus was measured on the cadaveric heads . using 4 . 5 loupes magnification , the occipital condyle was dilled to the intracranial end of the hypoglossal canal from posterior laterior margin according to the procedures of far lateral approach , then the length of remainder was measured 對15個10福爾馬林固定的成人尸頭標本進行解剖:測定橫竇、乙狀竇、竇匯顱骨外表面標志,自后外向前內磨除枕髁至顯露舌下神經管內口,測量所需磨除的枕髁范圍。

Methods : the anatomic relationship between the cross point ( a ) of the sigmoid and the transverse sinus and the asterion ( s ) , the cross point of the perpendicular and the horizontal ( b ) and point of the fissure of the occipital - mastoid at the fundus of the mastoid ( c ) were determined . then the length of a - s and b - c were measured . results : ( 1 ) the a point was lateral and inferior to the asterion , 10 . 8 + 1 . 1 mm on horizontal plane , 3 . 5 + 0 . 7mm on the longitude plane 方法:確定橫竇和乙狀竇的交界內下緣比點)和星點(枕乳縫和人字縫交叉點, s點)的解剖關系;乙狀竇垂直部和水平部交匯處內下緣舊點)和枕乳縫乳突基底水平處點)的關系。測量as和b c點的距離。結果: l橫竇和乙狀竇交點的位于星點外下方,橫斷面上,平均距離為10

Features : long head that shares about a third of the total length ; a concave forehead ; flat chin stretching to the front ; the spermaceti case containing high fat content is located in the prolapsed occipital bone . besides making candles and ointments , this fat is good ingredient for making precision instrument lubricants 頭部特別長,約占身體長度的三分之一,額部下方凹入,平扁的上頷由此向前伸出,頭頂之外枕骨下垂構成鯨油器,內藏大量油脂,這種油脂除可制成臘燭和油膏之外,更可提煉成維護精密儀器的潤滑劑。

Recently neuroimaging technique was used extensively and found that there is close relationship between brain energy metabolism and psychological process . pet research shows there are increase of regional cerebral blood flow in prefrontal , occipital and parietal cortices during go / no go discrimination tasks in the monkeys . but it is not clear about the neurochemistry mechanism of executive control 二、恒河猴執行控制功能的腦能量代謝( pet )特點恒河猴執行go / nogo任務時前額葉皮層、運動皮層、扣帶皮層、后頂葉皮層等多個腦區均有激活,其中前額葉皮層激活最明顯,提示執行控制由多個腦區共同完成,前額葉是執行控制的重要腦區。

Measurements for the following anatomical structures were obtained with the aid of a microscope , the distance between mastoid process and transverse process of the atlas , occipital condyle , and superior lateral loop ; the distances between the midline and the v3 at three levels : 1 ) the distal ( dural ) ring ; 2 ) the intersection with the anterior ramus of the c - 2 ; and 3 ) the upper level of the transverse foramen of the atlas ; the diameter of v3h at the origin of the muscular artery and at the sites of penetrating the dural ring ; the width of the v3 at the intersection with the anterior ramus of the c - 2 and at the sites of penetrating the transverse foramen of the atlas V _ 3h和v _ 3v各有兩個分支: v _ 3h分出肌動脈支和腦膜后動脈支; v _ 3v分出肌動脈支和根肌動脈支,第一、二脊神經發出的前后支分別與它們又毗鄰關系。通過手術顯微鏡測量下述解剖結構:乳突尖與環椎橫突尖、枕髁外側緣、 v _ 3上外側袢的距離;椎動脈v _ 3段在穿硬膜環、與第二頸神經前支交叉、環椎橫突孔上緣三處與中線的距離; v _ 3h在發出肌支處和穿硬膜天渾醫科大學碩士研究主學位論文環處的直徑; v3v在與第二頸神經前支交叉處和穿環椎橫突孔處的直徑。

We present a case of multicentric infantile myofibromatosis in a 3 - month - old male infant who had multiple papular lesions on his extremities and trunk and a slowly growing and bulging mass on his left occipital area since birth 摘要我們報告一例多中心性嬰兒肌纖維瘤病于一位三個月大的男嬰,在出生后發現下肢與軀干有數個丘疹樣病灶,同時于左枕骨部也發現了一個膨出且緩慢變大的腫塊。

In the physical , the occipital region contains the brain stem which governs the autonomic nervous system that keeps the blood moving , the heart beating , the intestinal tract moving , the digestive system moving , the lymph moving and so on 在身體中,枕骨部位包含著腦干,它管轄著保持血液流動、心臟跳動、腸道蠕動、消化系統運作、淋巴腺運作等等的自主神經系統(植物性神經系統) 。

Conclusion : in the craniotomy of the retrosigmoid approach , the lateral two hole should devised lateral and inferior to the asterion and fissure of the occipital - mastoid at the fundus of mastoid . it is a safe and fast drilling method N 、 t擴大乙狀竇后經內耳孔上入路顯微外科解剖學系列研究中文揚要枕乳縫乳突基底外下方為鉆孔點是安全、快速的方法。

Our study showed the following : mastoid process , transverse process of the atlas , and occipital condyle were important signs , superior and inferior suboccipital triangle is the important mark for distinguishing vertebral artery 研究顯示:乳突、環椎橫突和枕髁是術中重要的解剖學標志,上、下枕下三角是暴露椎動脈入顱前的一個重要解剖學標志。

The results were that the abnormal rate of eeg and tcd was 85 % and 72 % , respectively ; the positive rate of eeg provoked test was 60 % ; there was the single untypical epileptiform wave in the occipital in 3 patients by eeg 結果發現,腦電圖異常率72 % ,經顱多普勒異常率85 % ,腦電圖誘發試驗60 %為陽性,其中3例腦電圖在枕區可見單個非典型癇性波。

The ct scan of brain revealed old infarction of right occipital lobe , acute ischemic infarctions of left occipital lobe and left inferoposterior temporal lobe , and acute ischemic infarction of right posterior temporal lobe 頭部電腦斷層掃描顯示右側枕葉陳舊性缺血性梗塞,左側枕葉和后下顳葉急性缺血性梗塞、及右側后顳葉急性缺血性梗塞。

It is helpful of using the occipital inserts of musculus semispinalis capitus and splenius capitus as the superficial landmarks of the underlying venous sinuses to reduce potential damage during far lateral approach . 2 把頭半棘肌和頭夾肌的枕骨附著部作為其下靜脈竇的表淺解剖性標志有助于減少遠外側入路手術時的靜脈竇損傷。

The occipital sinus has connections with intracranial veins and vertebral vein plexus , thus play a role in accessory venous drainage from the intracranial and in metastatic spread of diseases to intracranium 枕下海綿竇與顱內靜脈、椎靜脈叢存在交通,在顱內輔助引流靜脈及疾病腦轉移中起著重要作用。

Mri inspection showed abnormal signals in bilateral occipital regions near the cerebral ventricle , which suggested addison - schilder disease , which was treated by olfactory ensheathing cell ( oecs ) transplantation 臨床上主要表現為智能障礙、抽搐、共濟失調、痙攣性癱瘓及腎上腺皮質功能不全等。

The apex of the superior nuchal line was above the very proximal transverse sinus in most case , while the point of occipital insert of the musculus semispinalis capitus was below it 上項線上極多位于近端橫竇的上方。頭半棘肌枕骨附著處多位于近端橫竇的下方。

I started to get severe pain at the base of my skull , like a burrowing feeling , as if something was getting deeper and deeper into the occipital area of my neck 我頭骨的基部開始覺得非常的痛,象鑿洞的感覺,就好象是有什么東西越來越深的進入我脖子的枕骨周圍。

In this slice , the lesion extends from near the occipital pole to the sylvian fissure , conforming to the territory of the posterior branch of the middle cerebral artery 在這一層,損害區從靠近枕骨粗隆延伸至至大腦外側裂,與大腦中動脈后支支配的范圍相吻合。

For example , the occipital lobe processes visual information while the parietal lobe processes somatosensory information such as cutaneous pain or temperature ( fig 3 . 1 ) 比如說,枕葉負責處理視覺信息,而頂葉則負責處理機體感覺信號,例如皮膚痛覺或溫度覺。

Each half of the cerebrum has four rounded ends called lobes ( 腦 葉 ) ? two at the front ( frontal and temporal lobes ) and two at the back ( occipital and parietal lobes ) 每半個大腦皮質有四塊結束叫腦葉,兩片在前線叫(額葉顳葉) ,以及后兩片稱為枕和頂葉