
obligor n.【法律】義務人,債務人,負債人 (opp.oblig...


Where the obligee ' s assignment of a right or the obligor ' s delegation of an obligation is subject to any procedure such as approval or registration , etc . as required by a relevant law or administrative regulation , such provision applies 第八十七條法律、行政法規規定轉讓權利或者轉移義務應當辦理批準、登記等手續的,依照其規定。

Where the obligor delegates an obligation , the new obligor shall assume any incidental obligation associated with the main obligation , except where such incidental obligation is exclusively personal to the original obligor 第八十六條債務人轉移義務的,新債務人應當承擔與主債務有關的從債務,但該從債務專屬于原債務人自身的除外。

Under the current marketing condition , the bank faces the following risk : ( 1 ) credit risks , credit risk is risk due to uncertainty in a counterpart ’ s ( also called an obligor ' s or credit ' s ) ability to meet its obligations 在目前市場條件下,湖南工行證券類客戶存在下列風險: ( 1 )信用風險,指受信方無法履行還款義務。

And that not matter a rule is national law or interior provision , it is impossible for all obligor of their own accord to follow due to diversified cause , the breaking of rules will occur after all 而且由于各種原因,一種規定,無論是國家的制定法還是企業的內部規定,都不可能完全地為所有義務人自愿遵循,違規行為總會發生。

Upon receipt of the notice of assignment of the obligee ' s right , the obligor may , in respect of the assignee , avail itself of any defense it has against the assignor 第八十三條債務人接到債權轉讓通知時,債務人對讓與人享有債權,并且債務人的債權先于轉讓的債權到期或者同時到期的,債務人可以向受讓人主張抵銷。

Article 102 duty to notify in case of escrow after placing the subject matter in escrow , the obligor shall timely notify the obligee or his heir or guardian , except where the obligee cannot be located 第一百零二條標的物提存后,除債權人下落不明的以外,債務人應當及時通知債權人或者債權人的繼承人、監護人。

Clause 17 in a suit of subrogation , if the obligee petitions the people ' s court for preservative measure against the assets of the secondary obligor , it shall provide appropriate financial assurance 第十七條在代位權訴訟中,債權人請求人民法院對次債務人的財產采取保全措施的,應當提供相應的財產擔保。

It is an independent temporal condition , i . e . the period of the loss of rights , in ordinary guarantee , the guarantee period starts with the termination of the obligor ' s properties by the obligee 如果債權人不在該期間內行使權利,保證期間屆滿,其保證債權將在實體上消滅,保證人也由此而免責。

Where the secondary obligor ( i . e . the obligor of the original obligor ) denies that the obligor has delayed in exercising its creditor ' s right due to it , the secondary obligor bears the burden of proof 次債務人(即債務人的債務人)不認為債務人有怠于行使其到期債權情況的,應當承擔舉證責任。

Clause 19 in a suit of subrogation , if the obligee prevails , the court fee shall be borne by the secondary obligor , and shall be paid in priority out of the proceeds from the enforced creditor ' s right 第十九條在代位權訴訟中,債權人勝訴的,訴訟費由次債務人負擔,從實現的債權中優先支付。

In a suit of subrogation , where the obligor raises a defense against the obligee ' s claim , if the people ' s court affirms the defense , it shall dismiss the suit brought by the obligee 債務人在代位權訴訟中對債權人的債權提出異議,經審查異議成立的,人民法院應當裁定駁回債權人的起訴。

Where in suits of subrogation brought separately by two or more obligees , the same secondary obligor is named as the defendant , the people ' s court may combine the suits for adjudication 兩個或者兩個以上債權人以同一次債務人為被告提起代位權訴訟的,人民法院可以合并審理。

Where the subject matter is not fit for escrow , or the escrow expenses will be excessive , the obligor may auction or liquidate the subject matter and place the proceeds in escrow 標的物不適于提存或者提存費用過高的,債務人依法可以拍賣或者變賣標的物,提存所得的價款。

Such cancellation right is extinguished if not exercised within five years , commencing on the date of occurrence of the obligor ' s act 自債務人的行為發生之日起五年內沒有行使撤銷權的,該撤銷權消滅。

The value of any incentives offered by the relevant vendor or any other third party to the obligor in the purchase of the property 物業發展商向買家提供的優惠,或任何其他第三方對債務人提供的優惠。

Upon performance by the obligor , the deposit shall be set off against the price or refunded to the obligor 債務人履行債務后,定金應當抵作價款或者收回。

The creditor ' s right of the obligor is not exclusively personal to it (四)債務人的債權不是專屬于債務人自身的債權。

Such assignment will have no effect on the obligor without notice thereof 未經通知,該轉讓對債務人不發生效力。 ”