
obligation n.1.義務;職責,責任;負擔。2.契約,合約;證券;債...


The conception of china ' s safety guarantee obligations 對我國安全保障義務的構想

I felt a kind of obligation won me to raise my eyes, in order that i might break the spell under which he seemed to labour, of not being able to leave off . 我覺得有必要抬起眼睛來看看他,好驅除他那種迷糊勁兒,看樣子,他似乎真的看了迷,而且再也醒不過來了。

In substantive relations, diffuse obligations can run within the family and neighbors and intimate friends, while contract governs those in a wider circle . 在實際關系,家庭,鄰居和親密朋友之間的是松散的義務關系,而在更大的范圍內通行的則是契約關系。

Lucy suddenly realized that henry simply had no conception of the complex tangle of loyalties and obligations that constituted a marriage . 露西突然意識到,亨利根本不懂結婚就意味著一方對另一方的忠誠和義務這種復雜的關系。

I added that if mr. wheeler could tell me anything about the rev. leonidas w. smiky, i would feel under many obligations to him . 我又說,如果惠勒先生能夠告訴我任何關于這位利奧尼達斯斯邁利牧師的情況,我會十分感謝他的。

Medieval social organization did not generate a philosophy oriented to problems of social change and secular political obligation . 在中世紀社會組織的環境中,根本無法產生專門研究社會變遷和世俗政治義務問題的哲學。

In celia's view, it was one more warning that the pharmaceutical business should accept moral obligation as well as legal ones . 在西利亞看來,它是對制藥行業的再次警告,必須接受理應承擔的道德義務和法律責任。

But , in addition to that basically simple concept , the bank and its customer owe a large number of obligations to one another . 但是除了這個基本的簡單概念外,銀行與客戶相互間擔負著許許多多義務。

Avoidance of the contract releases both parties from their obligations under it, subject to any damages which may be due . 宣告合同無效解除了雙方在合同中的義務,但對應負責的任何損害賠償仍應負責。

Fear that these obligations could not be paid caused american bankers further to call loans to amass liquid reserves . 由于害怕這些證券到時不能兌現,美國銀行家就更要求償還貸款以集聚流動儲備金。

By a series of carefully hedged conditions, the avoidance of nuclear war became an objective rather than an obligation . 經過對條款的層層斟酌刪削,避免核戰爭便成為一個目標而不是一項義務了。

Can african countries grow fast enough to meet existing debt obligations and maintain adequate domestic investment ? 非洲國家是否能有足夠快的增長,以償付現有債務并維護足夠的國內投資呢?

Rights to land were linked to a household's ability to settle, cultivate, and meet the tax obligations on the land . 土地權與一個國家的開墾、耕種能力相聯系,并與土地的納稅義務相適應。

Unilateral intervention, he told the editors, would have violated our traditions and international obligations . 他對主編們說,單方面的干涉會違背我們的傳統和國際義務。

It is his obligation to raise sights, to set moral standards, to build bridges to his opponents . 他有義務開闊人們的視野,樹立道德標準,并在他和反對派之間搭起一道橋梁。

In primitive cultures the obligation to seek and to receive the traditional instruction is binding to all . 在原始文化中尋求和接受傳統教育的義務對大家都有約束力量。

“ need not “ “ do not “ and “ have to “ mean that there is a lack of obligation to do something . “needn't”“don't”和“haveto”意指沒有做某事的義務或責任。

The thing was not only not a rupture, but she was under no obligation to regard it even as a menace . 這件事本身不但算不上絕交,她甚至覺得沒有必要稱它為危險。

That, in turn, might precipitate a sweeping restructuring of international financial obligations . 這種情況又可能促使國際金融債務在結構上的全盤調整。