
obligate vt.1.使負(法律上或道義上的)義務。2.強迫,強制。...

obligate runner

To provide public goods is obligated for government and is its basic function naturally 因此,自國家和政府產生以來,提供公共物品便成為政府的天職,這體現了政府的基本作用。

Where performance of the hired work requires assistance by the hirer , it is obligated to provide assistance 第二百五十九條承攬工作需要定作人協助的,定作人有協助的義務。

Company is permitted , although not obligated , to include my name as a credit in connection with the image 貴公司有權,但非有義務,在有益時,將我的名字附加在我肖像上。

He had also signed a rental agreement to lease a place for his band members and himself and he was obligated to that lease 剩下的最后一名樂手對他說:我要走了,再見。

Again i declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law 3 [和合]我再指著凡受7割禮的人確實地說,他是欠著行全律法的債。

Rural obligate education drop behind , and becomes the bottleneck of chinese compulsory universal education ' s goal 農村義務教育的落后,成了中國普及義務教育的瓶頸。

3 again i declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law 3我再指著凡受割禮的人確實的說,他是欠著行全律法的債。

We are not obligated to respond if your request is not received within the time limits stated above 寄件人于上述期限后提出的退費請求,本公司并無答復之義務。

Being in this section does not obligate you to use a micro - controller in your 2 . 007 machine 學習這部分課程并不意味你必須在你的2 . 007課程作業中使用微控制器。

Some of “ the world ” feels obligated to respond and then everyone ' s time is wasted 有些人會覺得他有義務需要回復他收到的每個消息這樣大家的時間都被浪費了。

Note that in many cases either the buyer or the seller is not obligated to provide insurance 注意,在多數情況下,不是買方就是賣方沒有辦理保險的義務。

We want people to have fun playing the game - - not to feel obligated to crawl spoiler sites 我們希望玩家體會的是游戲的樂趣而不是跟著功略循規蹈矩。

A shall be obligated to timely respond to b ' s letter , fax , notice , telephone and other inquiry 應有義務及時回應b的信件,傳真,通知,電話及其他需求

As a certified teacher , did i feel obligated to work in the field of education 作為一個有執業資格的教師,我是覺得有義務在教育領域里工作嗎?

I am obligated both to greeks and non - greeks , both to the wise and the foolish 14無論是希利尼人,化外人,聰明人,愚拙人,我都欠他們的債。

This flag can be inserted by compilers , but the compilers are not obligated to do so 該標志可以由編譯器插入,但編譯器并非必須這樣做。

Article 3 . the amcf is to be made up of obligated shares and voluntary shares 第三條亞洲貨幣合作基金由義務繳款和自愿繳款兩部分構成。

If you use icons , don ' t feel obligated to provide them for all menu items 如果你要用圖標的話,并不是一定要為所有的菜單項都加上圖標。

4 specific repay period : issuers are obligated to repay the principal amount at maturity 四有固定之還款期限,到期發行人需還本息。