
oblast n.〔俄語〕州,地方,區域,地區;省;外省;省會。


In russia , the president of the duma of the tomsk oblast presented jones on 28 june with the mercy and charity award in recognition of her leadership in helping improve the lives of thousands of children in the state 瓊斯在7月22日接受阿拉斯加州議會為她在該州的成就和服務所頒發的感謝狀.瓊斯同時也是扶輪基金會的第一位女性基金保管委員.她是安克拉治人

In russia , the president of the duma of the tomsk oblast presented jones on 28 june with the mercy and charity award in recognition of her leadership in helping improve the lives of thousands of children in the state 俄羅斯湯姆斯卡雅州議會議長在6月28日頒發慈善人道獎給瓊斯,答謝她在幫助提升該州數千兒童的生活所發揮的領導能力

Investigators also say they found an increase in resistance to any antibiotic in tomsk oblast in russia and botswana , while mdr tb decreased in hong kong and cuba 研究人員還提到他們發現博茨瓦納和俄羅斯的托木斯克州抗所有藥物的肺結核病例增多的情況,但在香港和古巴有所減少。

Economic and social development situation in irkutskaya oblast in 2003年伊爾庫次克州經濟社會發展狀況