
nuzzle vt.1.將鼻突入;用鼻子掘;用鼻子擦[觸]。2.緊挨,...


Winston smith , his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind , slipped quickly through the glass doors of victory masions , though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering along with him 溫斯頓?史密斯為了要躲寒風,緊縮著脖子,很快地溜進了勝利大廈的玻璃門,不過動作不夠迅速,沒有能夠防止一陣沙土跟著他刮進了門。

Even money fair rebel : ten to one the field . dicers and thimbleriggers we hurried by after the hoofs , the vying caps and jackets and past the meatfaced woman , a butcher s dame , nuzzling thirstily her clove of orange 我們跟在馬蹄以及戴競賽帽穿運動衫的騎手后邊,從擲骰攤和玩杯藝66攤跟前匆匆走邊,還遇上一個大胖臉的女人肉鋪的老板娘。

After adopting spinning nuzzle method , a lot of tic particles were got even at 720 , and alti10 master alloy will be dissolved more easily 在改用旋轉噴頭加入c后,即使在720 ,也可以獲得較多的tic ,并且alti10中間合金也更容易溶解于al - si合金中。

Richard , the newest arrival at the calgary zoo , nuzzles his mother , mardi richard is 6 feet , 4 inches tall and weighs 153 pounds . he was born nov . 15 加拿大卡爾加里動物園的新成員理查德正在和母親親昵。 11月15日出生的理查德身高6英尺4英寸,重153磅。

To start , try nuzzling up to the other person ' s neck and kissing with soft , dry kisses , slowly moving up until you get to the lips 開始的時候,先用鼻子觸摸對方的脖子,之后用干燥的嘴唇輕輕地吻,并慢慢地向上游移一直吻到對方的嘴唇。

You jump around insanely saying “ yay ! “ before leaping in your crush ; s arms and nuzzling happily into their neck 你發瘋似的跳來跳去,大叫“耶! ” ,然后跳入你戀人的懷抱里,高興地用鼻子摩挲他/她的脖子。

Timmy ' s so cute and cuddly , i can ' t stop nuzzling up to him 提米可愛至極,令我總是想擁抱他,我簡直不能停止對他的“愛撫” 。

The pony nuzzled my hand 小馬用鼻觸我的手。

Nuzzling into someone ' s neck , 用鼻子插入別人的脖子

The calf is nuzzling its mother 小牛用鼻子摩擦它的母親。

His horse nuzzled up to him , please to welcome him home 他的馬用鼻子愛撫地觸他,高興地歡迎他回家。

The puppy nuzzled against his shoulder [ into his hands ] 那只小狗用鼻子碰他的肩膀[伸入他的手中] 。

The dog nuzzled up to / against me on the sofa 狗在沙發上依偎著我

She nuzzled her head against his shoulder 她把頭緊挨在他的肩膀上。

For emerson there is no cruel war of irreconcilable extremes; extremes nuzzle one another in their eagerness to come together . 在愛默生心目中,不可調和的極端之間沒有你死我活的斗爭,兩者渴望接近而耳鬢廝磨。

She nuzzled her face into her pillow . 她把臉埋進枕內。