
nutrition n.1.營養(作用),滋養。2.營養物,食物;【農業】追...


Lipid nutrition in marine fish larvae : a review 海水仔稚魚脂類營養研究進展

The nutrition and health survey of pregnant women in china 孕期婦女營養與健康狀況調查

Effect of exotic toxin on the nutrition of woodland soil 外源毒素對林地土壤養分的影響

Survey of nutrition level of school children in shanxi 山西省中小學生營養狀況調查分析

Zinc - dense rice - a new approach to improve human zinc nutrition 改善人類鋅營養的新途徑

The study of nutrition as it relates to health 營養學與健康有關的營養研究

Analysis of nutrition composition of entermorpha prolifera 滸苔營養成分分析

This food provides all the nutrition your dog needs 本食品含有狗所必須的一切營養。

Crpwh services nutrition counsultation dietetic services >中心服務>營養諮詢

Good nutrition is vital to any living thing 好營養對任一件生存事是重要的。

Advance of the studies on amino acid nutrition of shrimp 漠斑牙鲆仔魚攝食節律的研究

We have much more food , but less nutrition 我們有更多食物,但卻仍營養不足。

Advances in the research of amino acid nutrition in 植物與土壤的氨基酸營養研究進展

We have much more food , but less nutrition 我們有更多食物,卻得到更少營養。

Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 中華實驗和臨床病毒學雜志

The right to adequate nutrition and medical care 有權獲得足夠的營養和醫學的照顧。

Research on the silicon nutrition in soil and plant 土壤和植物的硅素營養研究

Good health is not always obtained by good nutrition 健康未必靠好的營養就能得到。

We have much more food , but less nutrition 我們擁有豐富的食物,卻缺了營養。