
nutlet n.1.小堅果。2.櫻桃核,桃核;李屬核。3.子房,細裂...


Carcerulus ( pl . carceruli ) a type of capsular fruit that breaks up at maturity into one - seeded segments or nutlets . the carcerulus is typical of the lamiaceae family , e . g . deadnettle ( lamium ) 小堅果群:一類有蒴的果實,成熟后分裂形成包含一個種子的小堅果。是薄荷類(唇形科)植物的典型特征。

This machine is applicable to package in triangle mode of puffed food , prawn cracker , nutlet popcorn , melon seeds , jelly and other granular and sliced food 該機械適用于膨化食品、蝦條、果仁、爆米花、瓜子、果凍等顆粒狀,短條狀食品的三角包裝。

Sem observation on the nutlets of three species of the genus isodon 3種香茶菜屬植物小堅果形態掃描電鏡觀察