
nurse n.1.奶媽〔通常叫 wet nurse〕;保姆〔通常叫...

nurse balloon

Nothing about the night nurse provoked the actor's charm . 夜班護士毫無挑逗這位演員的風騷之處。

“the first labor is usually protracted,“ the nurse said . “初產通常是拖得很長的,”護士說。

Nursing management and monitoring are essentially the same . 護理措施和臨護法大體上是相同的。

Restraints are a necessary part of the nursing of children . 在小兒的護理中有必要使用約束法。

Amazingly little is known about human lactation, or nursing . 對人類哺育嬰兒或哺乳所知甚少。

Two nurses were hurrying toward the entrance to the gallery . 兩位護士正在往樓廂的入口處趕。

The head nurse is very bossy . 護士長兇極了。

Another nurse came along . 又一個護士走來了。

The nurse appeared with a long white box addressed to me . 護士送來一個給我的白色長盒子。

A young nurse dressed his wounds with steady hands . 一個年輕護士穩穩當當地扎裹他的傷處。

I have nursed a love of architecture since then . 從那時起,我就養成了熱愛建筑物的習慣。

The nurse was out, and we two sleepers were alone . 保姆出去了,只剩下我們兩個瞌睡蟲。

The nurse took the temperatures of all the patients . 那位護士為所有的病人量了體溫。

The nurse recovered herself enough to disapprove . 護士剛一鎮定下來就對此不以為然。

The child in a cast requires meticulous nursing care . 要精心護理上石膏管型的小兒。

The land we live in yet nurses mysterious terror . 我們居住的大地孕育著神秘的恐怖。

Mary nursed him like a baby for a week . 瑪麗把他當作一個小嬰孩似地侍候了一個星期。

She asked the nurse how long her agony must last . 她問護士,她極端痛苦要延續多久。

He was indebted to her for nursing him through pneumonia . 他感激她護理好他的肺炎。