
nunnery n.女修道院;尼姑庵。


Among places of historical interest that can be mentioned are the remains of the city gate and walls and resort palace built by king wu over 2 , 000 years ago , the drill ground of the strategist sun wuzi , the dyke of lord bai built by the tang poet bai juyi , the ancestral shrine and cemetery of the song statesman fan zhongyan , pagodas such as tiger hill pagoda , auspicious light pagoda , twin pagodas , shangfang pagoda , lingyan temple pagoda and the tallest north temple pagoda , and today s largest song building in the taoist temple of mystery , the tang sculptures in purple gold nunnery and those of the song in baosheng temple , etc . the historical relics dating a thousand years back can all be traced to their record , sites of architectural evidences 從二千多年前吳王建的城門城墻故址館娃宮遺址孫武子校場遺址到唐白居易建的白公堤宋范仲淹家祖古墓群和范公祠從虎丘塔瑞光塔雙塔上方塔靈巖寺塔最高的北寺塔到現存最大的宋建筑玄妙觀以及保圣寺唐塑紫金庵宋塑千年史跡在蘇州都有史料可查,有遺址可尋,有建筑可佐證。至于明清兩朝的史跡為數更為可觀。

The chi lin nunnery is a group of monastic architectures modeled on tang architecture . lucid arrangement is made according to the land features . the main and individual constructions are distributed orderly along the neutral axis with different parts matched symmetrically . there are the hall of the celestial kings and the main hall , and the aromatic lotus - garden 志蓮凈苑是一座參照唐代建筑藝術模式興建的寺院建筑群,布局層次分明,順循地勢,將主體與單體建筑沿中軸線作主次分布,配置對稱平衡,內有天王殿、大雄寶殿等殿堂和花香撲鼻的荷花公園。

Situated at miu keng in ping che , this monastery was formerly called cheung sang nunnery , and was probably first constructed in 1789 as a joint effort of six villages in ta kwu ling area , namely loi tung , man uk pin , and the alliance of ping yuen hap heung which consisted of ping yeung , nga yui ha , wo keng shan and ping che 長山古寺位于禾徑山廟徑,原稱長生庵,約于一七八九年由打鼓嶺區的萊洞、萬屋邊和坪源合鄉約(包括坪洋、瓦下、禾徑山及坪? )六條村落共同興建。廟內供奉佛祖、觀音及地藏王。

In mount huangshan “ s north side , songgu and beihai scene district is a natural air anion bar . above ciguangge , include guangmingding , yupingfeng , lianhuafeng , tianhai and from xihai storehouse to northwest of qunfengding are not the natural air anion bar , with west district , above diaoqiao nunnery a large district along brook baiyun is a natural air anion bar 黃山天然氧吧的分布區面積大:松谷景區、云谷景區和北海景區為天然氧吧區;從釣橋庵向上,沿白云溪的大片地區為天然氧吧區;在溫泉景區的人字瀑和白龍潭也是一小片天然氧吧。

At the bend of the danube could be seen ships and the island and a castle with a park , surrounded by the waters formed by the enns falling into the danube , and the precipitous left bank of the danube , covered with pine forest , with a mysterious distance of green tree - tops and bluish gorges . beyond the pine forest , that looked wild and untouched by the hand of man , rose the turrets of a nunnery ; and in the far distance in front , on the hill on the further side of the enns , could be seen the scouts of the enemy 可以看見多瑙河灣的船舶和孤島,恩斯河和多瑙河匯合點所圍繞的花園城寨,可以看見一片松林覆蓋的陡峭的多瑙河左岸和那神秘遠方的碧綠的山峰和蔚藍色的隘口,可以看見突露在仿佛未曾砍伐的野生松林后面的寺院塔樓和恩斯河彼岸的遠山前的敵軍騎兵偵察分隊。

The nunnery situated in wong tai sin is a beautiful structure modelled on tang dynasty architecture . after its opening on 18 may 2000 , members of the public can visit the chi lin nunnery . the magnificent and intricate design of the nunnery impresses local and overseas visitors 志蓮凈苑開放典禮于五月十八日舉行,并于五月二十日開放讓公眾人士參觀,該苑的宏偉外型和精致設計,相信本地和海外游客在參觀過后,定會留下深刻的印象。

As a matter of fact there are marvels almost everywhere , especially in the following scenic areas : wenquan hot spring , yupinglou jade screen tower , xihai west sea , beihai north sea , yungusi cloud valley temple and songgu an pine valley nunnery 人們漸漸地總結出黃山的四大特徵和吸引力:奇松怪石云海和溫泉。其實,黃山上也到處可見花崗巖,尤其是在以下幾個景區溫泉玉屏樓西海北海云谷寺和松谷庵。

Legend has it that when the monk huineng passed by zhaoqing on his way back home in his later years , he stopped on a hill and planted a plum tree . in memory of this , the plum nunnery was built in the song dynasty ( 996 ) 梅庵相傳是禪宗六祖慧能,晚年重返家鄉時,路經肇慶,在停留的小山崗上插上梅花,宋朝至道二年(九九六年) ,智遠和尚為紀此事,興建梅庵。

The chi lin nunnery is the only institution in hong kong recognized as a “ nu zhong shi fang cong lin “ . in other words , it is a nunnery open to nuns from all quarters and its abbess is selected purely on merit 樂富中心是房屋委員會轄下最大的商業購物中心,其發展計劃共分為兩期:第一期在一九八五年完成,第二期則在一九九一年竣工。

The seven kilometer long newly paved staircase extends from the hook bridge nunnery inside the west gate of the yellow mountains , across the bottom of the valley , and reaches the newly built central sea pavilion at the heavenly sea 長達七公里的新鋪階梯始于黃山西大門內的弧橋庵,通過谷底,一直延伸到天海中新建的中海亭。

Left seated tsem tulku rinpoche , right standing the abbot of gaden choling nunnery in dharamsala , tsem tulku rinpoche with his guru - most venerable geshe tsultrim gyeltsen , director of thubten dhargye ling , california , usa 詹杜固仁波切與上師,格西竺親格辛仁波切-美國加利福尼亞州圖騰達格林的主持,在達蘭薩拉合影。

Especially sagaing attracts quite some crowds , as it is known as the buddhist place of retreat per excellence in the country with a concentration of monasteries , nunneries and pagodas in that area 而在這期間實蓋則是人群最為集中的地方,正因為它是全緬甸佛教修行的最佳地點和佛塔寺院以及尼姑庵最集中的地區。

Chi lin nunnery is a tang dynasty styled architectural masterpiece . meticulously constructed , it is one of the ten most architectures as well as one of the top ten outstanding engineering projects in hong kong 仿唐建筑志蓮凈苑志蓮凈苑為仿唐木構建筑群,是香港十大建筑及十大杰出工程項目之一,建造考究。

The number of temples and nunneries was over a hundred , and many monks and nuns came . it was listed as one of the four famous buddhist mountains , besides wutai mountain , emei mountain , and putuo mountain 自明代起九華山日益興旺,寺庵總數超過一百,僧尼眾多,與五臺山峨嵋山普陀山共稱為中國佛教四大名山。

Hong kong is a city mixed with western and chinese culture , for example , just a few minutes walk from plaza hollywood , you can find a grand buddha monastery , chi lin nunnery 在充滿美國色彩的荷里活廣場附近的志蓮凈苑,是一座極富中國傳統特色的佛教寺院,充分表現了香港是一個中西文化匯聚的地方。

And fairer still were the far - away mountains that showed blue beyond the danube , the nunnery , the mysterious gorges , the pine forests , filled with mist to the tree - tops there all was peace and happiness 多瑙河對岸的淺藍色的遠山寺廟神秘的峽谷煙霧迷漫于樹巔的松林顯得更加絢麗多姿。

No ; but what i should like , he added , munching a pie in his moist , handsome mouth , would be to slip in there . he pointed to the turreted nunnery that could be seen on the mountainside “可是,我很想, ”他補充一句話,一面用他那長得好看的濕潤的嘴咀嚼著餡餅, “那末,到那個地方去吧。 ”

Like ching chung koon , the nunnery also offers mouth - watering vegetarian food . recently , it has also introduced a tearoom offering a great variety of chinese tea for connoisseurs 清涼法苑以供應精美上素馳名,近年更增設茶坊,為游人品嘗齋宴及茗茶的好去處。

Here pictured in gaden choling nunnery is center , standing tsem tulku rinpoche s guru , most venerable geshe tsultrim gyeltsen , an oceanic master of lama tsongkhapa s holy tradition 中立者為詹杜固仁波切的上師格西竺親格辛,對宗喀巴大師教誨有極深造詣的大師。