
nuncle n.〔古、方〕=uncle.


If you like the epilogue look long on it : prosperous prospero , the good man rewarded , lizzie , grandpa s lump of love , and nuncle richie , the bad man taken off by poetic justice to the place where the bad niggers go 倘若你喜歡尾聲,那么就仔細端詳一下吧。幸福的普洛斯彼羅499是得到好報的善人麗500是外公的寶貝疙瘩;里奇叔叔這個歹徒按照因果報應的原則被送進壞黑人注定去的地方了。

In asking you to remember those two noble kinsmen nuncle richie and nuncle edmund , stephen answered , i feel i am asking too much perhaps “我曾請你們記住那兩位高貴的親族470里奇叔叔和愛德蒙叔叔, ”斯蒂芬回答說, “我覺得我也許要求得過多了。

In his broad bed nuncle richie , pillowed and blanketed , extends over the hillock of his knees a sturdy forearm . cleanchested 一張大床,里奇舅舅倚著枕頭,裹在毛毯里,隔著小山般的膝蓋,將壯實的手臂伸過來。