
nuncio n.(pl. nuncios)1.羅馬教皇的大使。2.使...


Brini , papal nuncio in papal zouave s uniform , steel cuirasses as breastplate , armplates , thighplates , legplates , large profane moustaches and brown paper mitre . leopoldi autem generatio 身穿教皇軍的祖亞沃軍服,披著鋼制皚甲,包括胸甲臂甲護腿具護脛具蓄著褻瀆神明的大胡子,頭戴褐色紙制主教冠。

Vatican envoys usually stay longer en poste than secular ones ( one nuncio was in dublin for 26 years ) 梵蒂岡的使節通常比世俗國家的使節駐節時間更長(一名教廷大使曾在都柏林帶了26年) 。

The papal nuncio has the right to be seated in the king ' s presence on the occasion of any public ceremonial 在任何公共慶典儀式中,羅馬教皇大使都有權在皇帝面前不起立。

A vatican diplomatic envoy or representative ranking just beneath a nuncio 羅馬教廷公使職位低于羅馬教皇使節的梵蒂岡的外交使者或代表