
numinous adj.1.超自然的;神秘的;神圣的,精神上的。2.使人...


A still small voice , a teacher in our dreams , a waking vision , or a kinesthetic feeling of numinous presence is all we may perceive in the way of guidance 一個寂靜的小聲音,一個我們夢想里的教師,一個醒著的幻象,或者一個精神上的肌肉運動知覺的出現,所有一切在指引的道路上,我們都可以察覺得到。

There is no royal road to science , and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits 在科學上沒有平坦的大道,只有不畏勞苦沿著崎嶇之路攀登的人,才有希望到達它光輝的頂點。

There is no royal road to science , and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits 在科學上沒有平坦的大道,只有不畏勞苦沿著崎嶇之路攀登的人,才有希望達到他光輝的頂點。

Or , to be more precise , it is a stone about which and because of which men and women have numinous feelings 或更確切地說,正是因為它,人間的男男女女才有了種種神秘的感情。

All nature objects owned hatinu , the numinous , by the traditional cosmological view 布農人傳統的宇宙觀認為生活中所有的自然物,包括生物及無生物,均有精靈。

On whorship of daoist numinous mountains during the period of wei , jin , northern and southern dynasties 魏晉南北朝社會文化與服飾風格

The moon is a stone ; but it is a highly numinous stone 月亮僅是塊石頭,一塊神秘的石頭。