
numerical adj.數字的;數值的;用數字表示的。 (a) nume...

numerical control

It is possible, finally, to base classification on the full floristic composition of communities without reliance on numerical techniques . 最后,分類還有一種可能,即以植物群落的全部植物種類組成作為分類的基礎,并無須依賴于計算技術。

It is always desirable to obtain and compare results by both the compliance method and a numerical method because their advantages are complementary . 一般都想同時取得柔度方法和數值方法的兩種結果并進行比較,因為它們彼此能取長補短。

The rapid development of numerical taxonomy over the past fifteen years has contributed to the development of parallel methods in plant ecology . 數值分類學的迅速發展,雖是近十五年的事,但它對植物生態學中相應方法的發展作出了貢獻。

Numerical calculations have been made for wave-guides with a core of rectangular cross-section embedded in a uniform surround of lower refractive index . 對于掩埋在較低折射率的均勻介質中的距形截面芯子的波導曾作過數值計算。

Since the equations are nonlinear, one has to resort to a numerical solution scheme except for relatively simple problems . 但是,因為方程是非線性的,所以除了比較簡單的一些問題之外,都必須依靠數值方法求解。

This suggests how to go about the task of getting a numerical measure of the degree of inequality of income distribution . 這可以啟發我們如何進行我們的任務,即為收入分配的不平等程度找到一種量化的衡量辦法。

These have been developed by the numerical integration of the differential equations of gas motion for a spherical blast wave in air . 這些都是根據空中球形爆震波氣體運動的微分方程的數值積分得到的。

This book presents in systematic form some of the available numerical techniques for solving such underground flow systems . 本書以系統的形式提出了一些解決這類地下水流體系的現行數值方法。

Another distinction often made in the literature of numerical taxonomy is that between divisive and agglomerative approaches . 在文獻的版值分類方法中,還存在另一個區別,即劃分法和聚合法。

Fortunately, hartree's father, a retired gentleman, enjoyed numerical computation as a hobby and helped his son . 幸運的是,哈特的父親是個退休的紳士,他把數字計算作為一種興趣幫助了兒子。

The relatively new finite element method and associated variational methods are developing into important numerical tools . 相當新的有限單元法和相關的變分法正在發展為重要的數值手段

Your men are stranded. the defenders have all the mobility, the numerical superiority, and the firepower . 你的人進退兩難。但是守軍卻有全部的機動性,有人數上的優勢和火力上的優勢。

The argument about “conceding“ numerical inequality was due either to a misunderstanding or to demagoguery . 所謂我們“承認”了數量的不平等,這不是出于誤解就是想蠱惑人心。

For long-term climatic forecasting the attention in numerical modelling should be directed towards the ocean . 對于長期氣候預報來說,數值模式化的注意力主要應針對海洋。

Numerical simulation has emerged recently as an important aid to process and device developments . 近年來,數值模擬方法作為工藝和器件發展的重要輔助工具已經嶄露頭角。

As a matter of fact, the insertion method is also of dubious value in connection with numerical computations . 事實上,在相應的數字計算中代入法也是靠不住的。

These numerical equalities would not exist if any ordinary engine cycle were reversed . 如果將任一普通熱機的循環方向反向,那么以上這些相等數量是不存在的。

My attendance also disturbed the precise numerical balance so dear to the heart of diplomats . 我的出席還打亂了外交官心目中十分重視的人數上的精確對等。

An identity involving letters is true for any set of numerical values of the letters in it . 包含字母的恒等式對于式內字母的任何一組數值都是適合的。