
numen n.(pl.-mina )1.【羅馬神話】守護神。2.引...


In this engine , we loaded some 3d data models , established 3d terrain , the construction on the ground , the numen of the secene ; made the use of shading model we realized the lighting of the scene , and made the use of the environment texturing mapping we realized the sky box , and mip - maping we realized the rendering of the 3d terrain , which gave us the ideal effect 系統中實現了載入三維模型文件,建立了三維地形、地面建筑物、場景中的精靈;使用光照明模型實現三維場景的照明效果;使用環境紋理映射技術實現大環境天空的渲染,使用mip - map紋理映射技術實現三維地形的表面紋理;得到了比較理想的渲染效果,實現了對三維場景的漫游。