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number plate 號碼牌。N- Ten 唐寧街10號〔英國首相官邸,用以指...

numbered account

To provide better taxi services to passengers with visual impairment under the sponsorship of crown motors limited and other taxi suppliers , all liquefied petroleum gas taxis are now installed with a braille and tactile taxi registration number plate . this enables passengers with visual impairment to identify the taxi and facilitate them in making complaints , suggestions as well as praising taxi drivers for this good service 為了向視覺受損乘客提供更佳的的士服務,在皇冠車行及其他的士車輛供應商的支持下,現時所有石油氣的士都逐漸安裝點字摸讀車輛登記號碼牌,讓視覺受損的乘客能夠識別乘坐的車輛,并就有關的士服務作出投訴、提出意見或表示嘉許。

The first passenger in the short film is the famous talk - show star mr . paul cheng . after paul cheng has got into the taxi , he immediately praised the well equipped liquefied petroleum gas taxi driven by the boss fok , on which a taxi meter , talking functions , braille and tactile taxi registration number plates have been installed for the convenience of the passengers who have visual impairment 短片中的第一位乘客是名咀鄭經翰先生,當鄭經翰上了的士后,馬上贊賞霍老板駕駛的石油氣的士車廂中的設備齊全,包括發聲咪表和凸字車牌去方便視障的乘客

The police , according to descriptions provided by witnesses , searched for the subject vehicle in the vicinity . at the junction of fuk wa street and maple street , a private car whose windscreen was damaged while its front and rear number plates found missing was located . meanwhile , a pair of number plates were located at wong chuk street 警方根據目擊者提供資料追查肇事車輛下落,于福華街和楓葉街交界發現一部私家車,其擋風玻璃損毀,前后車牌則不知所蹤;警方另于黃竹街發現一對車牌。

We mainly provide product wulian red , wulian flowers , general red , shidao hong , and each kind of specification , board blackened by fire , stair stone , lu yanshi , house number plate stone , according to the customer request processing , the delivery is prompt , zealously welcome eight sides friends to come to discuss 我們主要提供的產品五蓮紅、五蓮花、將軍紅、石島紅、及各種規格花崗石光板、火燒板、臺階石、路沿石、門牌石,根據客戶要求加工,交貨及時,熱忱歡迎八方朋友前來洽談!

To provide better taxi services to passengers with visual impalement , transport department has introduced a new initiative to install braille and tactile registration number plates on the back of taxis . in support of this , starting from aug . last year , crown motors installed braille and tactile registration number plates on all new toyota taxis free of charge 此外,在去年八月,皇冠車行更向應運輸署推動專為失明人士而設的凸字車牌計劃,于每一輛售出的豐田的士,免費裝上凸字車牌,期望這項計劃能為視力有障礙的乘客提供方便,加強失明人士表達權益及活躍于社會的信心。

The first passenger in the short film is the famous talk - show star mr . paul cheng . after paul cheng has got into the taxi , he immediately praised the well equipped liquefied petroleum gas ( lgp ) taxi driven by the boss fok , on which a taxi meter , talking functions , braille and tactile taxi registration number plates have been installed for the convenience of the passengers who have visual impairment ( 短片中的第一位乘客是名咀鄭經翰先生,當鄭經翰上了的士后,馬上贊賞霍老板駕駛的石油氣的士車廂中的設備齊全,包括發聲咪表和凸字車牌去方便視障的乘客(

To provide better taxi services to passengers with visual impairment under the sponsorship of crown motors limited and other taxi suppliers , all liquefied petroleum gas ( lpg ) taxis are now installed with a braille and tactile taxi registration number plate . this enables passengers with visual impairment to identify the taxi and facilitate them in making complaints , suggestions as well as praising taxi drivers for this good service 為了向視覺受損乘客提供更佳的的士服務,在皇冠車行及其他的士車輛供應商的支持下,現時所有石油氣的士都逐漸安裝點字摸讀車輛登記號碼牌,讓視覺受損的乘客能夠識別乘坐的車輛,并就有關的士服務作出投訴、提出意見或表示嘉許。

The first part of this thesis is the introduction of the highway toll and monitor modes now exist , consequently we analysis the fundamental theory and technique of the image processing that involved in the recognition of the car number plate 本論文嘗試將新一代數字信號處理器tms320c6201作為核心器件用于車牌自動識別系統中,完成車輛圖象處理、提取車牌信息。本文首先介紹高速公路收費系統及監控方式,然后分析了車牌識別過程中所涉及的數字圖象處理技術。

Whoever illegally manufactures , buys or sells uniforms or special symbols such as number plates of vehicles of the armed forces , if the circumstances are serious , shall be sentenced to fixed - term imprisonment of not more than three years , criminal detention or public surveillance and shall also , or shall only , be fined 非法生產、買賣武裝部隊制式服裝、車輛號牌等專用標志,情節嚴重的,處三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制,并處或者單處罰金。

Based on this chapter , the fourth part provide the resolution of the dsp ? ased car number plate recognition by the block diagram and discuss the availability of this resolution , at last give the result of the software and hardware simulation 之后,詳細介紹新一代數字信號處理器tms32066201相關功能模塊及擴展方法,在此基礎上提出基于dsptms320c6201的車牌識別系統方案,并論證了方案的核心部分。論文最后對我們所做的工作進行總結。

The number plate of the number 23 is more beautiful than the one that is other locomotives . the mark of china national railway and the mark of kunming railway administration bureau are written to the plate 蒸汽機車23號的前面號碼牌子比其他機車出色,這牌子上有中國鐵路的路徽人民鐵路的徽章是人字和鐵軌的意思, 23號碼是昆明鐵路局的代。

Initial enquiries revealed that the private car , valued at about $ 100 , 000 , was reported missing in kowloon city on monday ( november 17 ) . it was later confirmed the car was bearing a fake car number plate 警方初步調查顯示,該輛市值約十萬元的私家車已于星期一(十一月十七日)在九龍城報失。警方其后亦證實私家車所套上的是假牌。

The price set a new world record . the last record was set last july in yorkshire , northern england . the number plate “ m1 ” went for 331 , 500 ( $ 657 , 160 ) at current exchange rates 此前的車牌拍賣價世界紀錄是去年7月在英國約克郡創下的。當時,一個牌號為“ m1 ”的車牌以33 . 15萬英鎊(約合66萬美元)的價格成交。

When owner cannot verify or document the original date of installation , the warranty period begins on the date marked on the serial number plate affixed to the water heater 如果“所有人”無法證明或提供初始安裝日期的證明文件,則質量保證期按照附在熱水器上的系列號板所標注的日期計算。

Vehicle monitoring system is the critical part of the its - intelligent transportation system . now car number plate recognition is one of the important means to accomplish vehicle monitoring 車輛監控系統是智能交通系統的重要組成部分,而車牌自動識別技術是實現車輛監控的一種重要途徑。

Application - applicants will be required to indicate the display of the pvrm combination on an illustrative number plate in the application form . they will also be required to pay a deposit 申請:申請人須在申請表格上的車牌圖示中,注明自訂號碼組合的樣式,并須繳付按金。

Both vehicles were found to be bearing fake number plates . officers seized three firearms , 28 rounds of ammunition , two hammers , one knife and some labour gloves in one of the cars 警員在其中一輛車上起獲三支手槍、二十八發子彈,兩支槌子、一把刀及一批勞工手套。

You must wear glasses if you need them to meet the driving test standard - to read at a distance of 23m in good daylight a vehicle number plate 駕駛人如須戴上眼鏡,才能達到駕駛考試的視力標準即在充足光下,可清楚讀出與他相距23米的車牌號碼,就必須戴上眼鏡。

In the exhibition , we will showcase the most advanced automatic vehicle number plate recognition system and pattern recognition system to all our valued visitors 在本屆展覽會上,我們將向所有參展的來賓現場演示最先進的車牌號碼自動識別系統和圖像識別系統。