
number n.1.數;數字;〔pl.〕算術。2.(汽車等的)號碼;...

number cruncher

The number of books stolen from the library is large . 圖書館遺失的書很多。

There is safety in numbers . 大家一致行動起來成功的希望較大。

Difficulties arise in a number of ways . 難度表現在許多方面。

This is not possible for a number of reasons . 種種原因表明,這是不可能的。

He discovered a number of bright young men . 他發現了一批很有才華的年輕人。

Atom number eight is called oxygen . 原子序數為8的物質叫做氧。

How many nonequivalent 10-digit numbers are there ? 有多少不等價的十位數?

We received a number of curious stares from . 過路人向我們投來好奇的目光。

She was wearing a snappy little red number . 她身著一款時髦的紅色連衣裙。

Numbers have the same value anywhere . 數字的值到處都是一樣的。

The rational numbers also fit into this scheme . 有理數也適用于這個圖形。

This number is too small even to think about . 這個數值已小得無法想像了。

500 is a round number for 498, 503, etc . 500是498,503等的近似百位整數。

The number of such sensations is limited . 這類刺激的數目有限。

They find the number they want . 他們找到了他們要找的那個號碼。

Mutation are produced by a number of chemicals . 許多化學試劑能產生突變。

The fishing boats were 15 sail in number . 這些漁船總共有15艘。

A great number of water fowls dwell on the island .. 許多水鳥在島上棲息。

Read me back that telephone number . 把那個電話號碼念給我聽聽。