
nullah n.(印度等地的)水道;河床;干涸的河床,山峽;峽谷。


As using fresh water would go against both economic and greening principles , the university had always used nullah water to irrigate its campus 要護理這大片綠色土地殊不簡單,光是灌溉已大費周章。如果使用自來水的話,不但費用昂貴,也不環保。

To harness these natural resources , the university uses a hydraulic ram to pump nullah water to storage sites for irrigation and flushing 有見及此,大學善用自然資源,不單以山水來灌溉花草和沖廁,就連泵水往儲水缸的水泵,也是利用水力推動的。

Tuen mun station is the northern terminus of west rail . it is elevated on the tuen mun nullah , near tuen mun town park in the centre of tuen mun new town 屯門站是西鐵的北面總站,位于屯門新市鎮中心,鄰近屯門市鎮公園,高架于屯門河上。

The greatly increased flow in the nullah enhanced water aeration and improved the nullahs flushing ability , leading to better water quality overall 因明渠的流量有顯著的增加,除了促進水體曝氣外更提高其沖刷能力,使整體水質有所改善。

Moreover , the drainage services department has also been conducting ad hoc maintenance dredging in some rivers or nullahs to address the odour problem 另外,為改善河道環境,渠務署亦會不時清理河道及進行除淤以改善臭味等問題。

Interestingly , the kai tak nullah has also benefited from a scheme that was primarily designed to reduce marine water pollution many miles away 除了上述行動外,一項距離啟德明渠較遠的海水污染改善計劃亦為明渠帶來不少益處。

The other major rivers in these areas are yuen long creek , the kam tin river , the river ganges , tin shui wai nullah and fairview park nullah 北區及元朗的其他主要河流包括元朗河錦田河平原河天水圍明渠及錦繡花園明渠。

A major problem at the time was the tuen mun nullah , a foul stretch of water the discharges from which consistently contaminated beaches in its vicinity 當時的主要污染源是屯門明渠,渠內的污水經常影響到附近的泳灘。

By 2005 , the six monitoring stations in the kai tak nullah had all improved substantially , recording wqis of either good or excellent 及至2005年,啟德明渠六個監測站的水質有了大幅改善,水質指數為良好或極佳等級。

Long ping station is elevated over yuen long nullah , located in the northern part of yuen long town , southeast of long ping estate 朗屏站位于元朗市中心北面,即朗屏?東南面,建于元朗明渠上。

Wan chai road between johnston road and queen s road east , tai yuen street , cross street , stone nullah lane and its vicinity 灣仔道介乎莊士頓道與皇后大道東太原街交加街石水渠街和附近一帶

The chinese university has abundant water sources . nullah water from kau to shan nearby passes through the campus to tolo harbour 中大得天獨厚,依山傍水,大量九肚山溪水流經大學進入吐露港。

This station will be elevated over the yuen long nullah with the concourse on the first floor and the platform one level higher 該站高架于元朗明渠之上,大堂設于一樓,月臺則在二樓。

Taking the tin shui wai nullah as an example , the cost for a recent maintenance dredging project has amounted to $ 3 . 3 million 以近期天水圍河清理工程為例,便用了約三百三十萬元。

This redirected treated effluent was piped to the kai tak nullah for discharge where it brought new benefits 經過處理的污水被改道輸至啟德明渠排放,結果使明渠水質受惠。

Alp nullah : this site provide a wide space for our flute amateurs , thanks to the webmaster ! ! ! ! ! 高山流水:這個網站給了我們長笛愛好者一個廣泛的空間,謝謝站長: ! ! !

Stenches emitting from a nullah in tin shui wai caused by the discharge of untreated pig excretion into it 天水圍一條明渠因排放未經處理的豬只排泄物而發出臭味的事宜

Draft urban renewal plan for stone nullah lane hing wan street king sing street published 21 . 7 . 2006 城規會公布市區重建局石水渠街慶云街景星街發展計劃草圖21 . 7 . 2006

To get there , walk along the stone nullah lane from wan chai mtr station , exit a3 for 10 minutes 游客可從灣仔地鐵站a3出口離開,沿石水渠街步行10分鐘便可到達。